Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev

Ask HN: Best talks of 2018? | Hacker News

I've often felt that we (humanity) have pushed the boundaries of our knowledge right to some really hard lines to cross: relativity won't allow interstellar travel anytime soon, we are making progress in "soft AI" but "hard AI" is still insurmountable, even fusion seems as far as it's always been.
Saved on: 2018-12-22

RubixML/RubixML: Rubix ML is a high-level machine learning library that let

Read the latest docs here. Rubix ML is a free open-source machine learning (ML) library that allows you to build programs that learn from your data using the PHP language.
Saved on: 2018-12-21


NHS.UK frontend contains the code you need to start building user interfaces for NHS websites and services. Visit the NHS digital service manual for examples of components and guidance for when to use them.
Tags: #frontend
Saved on: 2018-12-21

Connect your devices to AWS IoT using LoRaWAN | The Internet of Things on A

Since the time of this blog post, we have announced AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully-managed feature that allows you to connect and manage wireless devices that use LoRaWAN connectivity with the AWS Cloud.
Tags: #iot
Saved on: 2018-12-20

Stripe Atlas: Writing copy for landing pages

Write copy that delights visitors, persuades prospects, and wins customers. In the beginning, there’s the landing page.
Saved on: 2018-12-19

Michael Fogleman

Python solutions to the daily coding puzzles, explained. I first participated in Advent of Code (AoC) in 2017. My co-workers at Formlabs introduced it to me. This year (2018), quite a lot of Formlabs folks are taking part and we have a nice private leaderboard going.
Saved on: 2018-12-19

Bubblin Superbooks—An online café of books | Bubblin Superbooks

New user? Sign up Refer documentation for more details on keyboard shortcuts.
Tags: #tools #books
Saved on: 2018-12-18

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to continue to Google Sites
Saved on: 2018-12-16

9 books that helped me navigate my first time being a tech-lead

The tech lead was moving to another team for a long-term assignment, and I took over as the engineering manager/team lead. From the outside, the tech lead's job seemed doable, but I quickly realized I was getting in over my head.
Saved on: 2018-12-14

Structuring a Vue project — Authentication – Boris Savic – Medium

For the past few years my primary focus has been on the software architecture and development of the backend services. I’ve tried to stay away from front-end as long as possible since it’s the one area of software development where I feel mostly useless and unproductive.
Saved on: 2018-12-12


REXPaint is a powerful and user-friendly ASCII art editor. Use a wide variety of tools to create ANSI block/line art, roguelike mockups and maps, UI layouts, and for other game development needs.
Tags: #tools #art
Saved on: 2018-12-11

Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript from @kyleshevlin on @eggheadi

This course teaches you how to implement your first data structures and algorithms. In the process, you’ll learn some fundamental computer science concepts as well. We’ll build these from scratch using JavaScript, but what we learn can be taken and used in any other language, too.
Saved on: 2018-12-10

How Does setState Know What to Do?

When you call setState in a component, what do you think happens? Sure, React re-renders the component with the next { clicked: true } state and updates the DOM to match the returned <h1>Thanks</h1> element.
Saved on: 2018-12-09

The Swiss Army Knife of Hashmaps

A while back, there was a discussion comparing the performance of using the hashbrown crate (based on Google’s SwissTable implementation1) in the Rust compiler.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2018-12-08

Progressively enhance your Symfony 4 app using Vue, API Platform, Mercure and Panther (SymfonyCon)

Watch the video! Thanks to the new capabilities of the web platform (web components, Progressive Web Apps…) and the rise of modern JS libraries (Vue, React, Angular) almost all modern Symfony applications must leverage the frontend ecosystem.
Saved on: 2018-12-07

A Brief History of Design – Microsoft Design – Medium

It is easy to question everything designed before you when you join a new company. I mean, why the heck would a scroll bar be red in Windows 2.
Tags: #design #art
Saved on: 2018-12-06

Scaling engineering organizations

At Stripe, we think a lot about scale. As we’ve scaled our products to process billions of dollars a year for millions of businesses, we’ve also needed to scale our engineering team. There’s a temptation for fast-growing companies to build their engineering team as quickly as possible.
Saved on: 2018-12-05

Immutable Web Apps

The owner of is offering it for sale for an asking price of 490 USD! This webpage was generated by the domain owner using Sedo Domain Parking. Disclaimer: Sedo maintains no relationship with third party advertisers.
Saved on: 2018-12-05

Ask HN: What are your “brain hacks” that help you manage every day situatio

He's unemotional yet thoughtful. If he doesn't have an immediate answer for something, he instinctively understands how to search for the answer. He has a natural sense of the real priority of work and discussions. So I asked him for some of his favourite brain hacks...
Saved on: 2018-12-03

How Does React Tell a Class from a Function?

But React itself cares about the difference! In both cases React’s goal is to get the rendered node (in this example, <p>Hello</p>). But the exact steps depend on how Greeting is defined.
Saved on: 2018-12-03

Podcast Advertising: $51,975 Spent. Here’s What We Learned

Naturally, the rest of my day was spent getting real intimate with Google. We covered important topics like: You get the gist. Here’s an overview of what Google told me that day:
Saved on: 2018-12-02

NES.css - NES-style CSS Framework

NES.css is a NES-style CSS Framework.
Tags: #funny #css
Saved on: 2018-11-29

An Extensive Guide To Progressive Web Applications

27 min read Apps, PWA, Native, Service Workers Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Smart Interface Design Checklists Click here to kickstart your project for free in a matter of minutes.
Tags: #pwa
Saved on: 2018-11-28

Mastering HTTP Caching | fortrabbit blog

Using CDNs has long been something in the domain of the Alexa top 100; something a small(er) website does not need or cannot afford. This has changed over the last years, with a multitude of pay-per-use, non-enterprise vendors on the market CDNs became affordable for everybody.
Tags: #webdev #http2
Saved on: 2018-11-28

PHP Code Performance Explained - Blackfire

Welcome to Blackfire's book to PHP Performance. This book will guide you through the challenges of managing the performance of your applications.
Saved on: 2018-11-27

Ionic Announces Alpha Release of Vue.js Integration

At VueConf Toronto, Ionic announced the first alpha release of @ionic/vue, making it possible to add Ionic 4 to any Vue.js project, getting access to Ionic's APIs in a Vue.js-friendly manner. Ionic lets web developers build, test, and deploy cross-platform hybrid mobile apps.
Tags: #vuejs #ionic
Saved on: 2018-11-27

5 Lessons Learned From Writing Over 300,000 Lines of Infrastructure Code

This October, I gave a talk at HashiConf 2018 where I shared 5 key lessons we learned at Gruntwork while creating and maintaining a library of over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code that’s used in production by hundreds of companies.
Tags: #devops
Saved on: 2018-11-27

Ryanair, Hamiltonian Cycles, and using graph theory to find cheap flights -

Ryanair filtered HTML There was a coreList state variable I traversed down the state tree until I found the allAirportsList property, which contained all the airport keys and the locations to which they flew.
Tags: #trip #tools
Saved on: 2018-11-26

Learn Difficult Concepts with the ADEPT Method – BetterExplained

After a decade of writing explanations, I’ve simplified the strategy I use to get new concepts to click. Make explanations ADEPT: Use an Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain-English description, and then a Technical description.
Tags: #learning
Saved on: 2018-11-26

When It Comes To Personas, The Real Value Is In The Scenarios — UX Articles

Personas without scenarios are like characters with no plot. — Kim Goodwin I’ve seen it happen many times. A team launches a project to identify user personas with all the best of intentions. They’ll define three, four, sometimes as many ten or fifteen different personas.
Tags: #ux
Saved on: 2018-11-26

Model View Controller isn't

MVC was invented in the 70s, when Alan Kay with his group worked on the Dynabook and Smalltalk at Xerox Parc. Trygve M. H. Reenskaug remembers it: Let us try to understand what they had mind, when they use the terms model, view, and controller.
Saved on: 2018-11-24

Introducing Service Workies

Meet Kolohe. He thinks he knows an awful lot about Service Workers because well, he is one. But Kolohe is soon to find out — as you might well know if you've ever attempted using Service Workers — there be dragons. In his case the dragons are non-figurative and are trying to eat him.
Tags: #pwa #learning
Saved on: 2018-11-23

Up to speed with web performance

On Thursday and Friday I learned all sorts of things about making sites faster at the conference in Amsterdam. I frantically took notes at each talk, so here’s my summary of the event.
Tags: #performance
Saved on: 2018-11-22

Video Recordings from HashiConf 2018: Keynotes and Breakout Sessions

HashiCorp uses data collected by cookies and JavaScript libraries to improve your browsing experience, analyze site traffic, and increase the overall performance of our site. By using our website, you’re agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.
Saved on: 2018-11-21

Why can’t we use Functional CSS and regular CSS at the same time? | CSS-Tri

DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! Harry Nicholls recently wrote all about simplifying styles with functional CSS and you should definitely check it out.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2018-11-20

Laracon AU Videos - Laravel News

The first Laracon Australia is now in the books and it looked like a fantastic event. Along with videos they’ve released photos from the event and you can see those on Flickr and here are a few of our favorites.
Saved on: 2018-11-20

WebSocket API and protocol explained: How they work, are used and more

WebSocket marks a turning point for web development.
Tags: #websockets
Saved on: 2018-11-19

Tags: #tools
Saved on: 2018-11-17

Nuxt.js Fundamentals, a Vue.js video course

Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications. Its goal is to help Vue developers take advantage of top-notch technologies and features in a fast, easy and organized way. It is easy to get started with Nuxt.js!
Tags: #vuejs #course
Saved on: 2018-11-16

The internet is an unwelcoming place to the disabled — Quartz

The internet can be a hostile space for 15% of the world’s population who experience some form of disability.
Saved on: 2018-11-16

Docker PHP/PHP-FPM Configuration via Environment Variables

For several months now I have been working on’s replacement. It is a Docker-based GUI functionally similar to PuPHPet. Docker, like Vagrant, allows sharing directories and files from the host to the container/VM.
Saved on: 2018-11-16

The Power of Web Components – Mozilla Hacks : the Web developer blog

Ever since the first animated DHTML cursor trails and “Site of the Week” badges graced the web, re-usable code has been a temptation for web developers. And ever since those heady days, integrating third-party UI into your site has been, well, a semi-brittle headache.
Saved on: 2018-11-16

Things Nobody Told Me About Being a Software Engineer · Ana Ulin

My dad started teaching me Basic when I was about 7 years old, and since about that age I knew that I wanted to build software for a living. It was obviously a fun and useful thing to do, and something that I could do well.
Saved on: 2018-11-14

Real URLs for AMP Cached Content Using Cloudflare Workers

Today, we’re excited to announce our solution for arguably the biggest issue affecting Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): the inability to use real origin URLs when serving AMP-cached content.
Tags: #amp-project
Saved on: 2018-11-14

Datomic: Event Sourcing without the hassle

When I got started using the Datomic database, I remember someone describing it to me as 'Event Sourcing without the hassle'.
Saved on: 2018-11-13

Thanks for tuning in to Google I/O! Watch content on-demand. Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. We want to help you build beautiful, accessible, fast, and secure websites that work cross-browser, and for all of your users.
Saved on: 2018-11-13

The Best SaaS Landing page examples I’ve seen ( their secrets for conversi

Usually, I don’t advise anyone to use other websites as reference since they have different business needs and people need to understand their context and their strategy to be able to apply them properly.
Tags: #ux
Saved on: 2018-11-09

ZEIT – Now 2.0

Today, we have some very special news regarding the evolution of our company. ZEIT is now Vercel. This new identity aligns with our new focus — to provide the ultimate workflow for developing, previewing, and shipping Jamstack sites.
Tags: #tools
Saved on: 2018-11-09

Animated Grid Previews | Codrops

Today we’d like to share another CSS grid-powered template with you. The idea is to show a navigation and some scattered images in the background that have a slight parallax effect.
Tags: #css #art
Saved on: 2018-11-09

In Defense of Utility-First CSS | frontstuff

“Favor composition over inheritance”. This piece of wisdom from Design Patterns, one of the most influential software engineering books, is the foundation of utility-first CSS.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2018-11-09

Tags: #jobs #career
Saved on: 2018-11-08

Spectre.css CSS Framework

Spectre.css is a lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework for faster and extensible development. Spectre provides basic styles for typography and elements, flexbox based responsive layout system, pure CSS components and utilities with best practice coding and consistent design language.
Saved on: 2018-11-08

Cutting out the inner part of an element using clip-path | CSS-Tricks

DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! The following is a guest post by Ana Tudor. Perhaps you know Ana from her amazing work combining code, math, and art.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2018-11-08

Making a large scale app with vue.js (part 1): modularize your store!

First, I apologize if my language is sometimes poor, I’m french and I don’t natively speak English. Recently I reacted about an article from Anthony Gore: Is Vue.
Saved on: 2018-11-07

GraphQL cheatsheet

{ hero { name height } } ↓ { hero: { name: "Luke Skywalker", height: 1.
Saved on: 2018-11-07

Programming Quotes

There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.
Saved on: 2018-11-06

Every Elixir Video Page

The source code is available on github.
Tags: #video #elixir
Saved on: 2018-11-05

How Writers Map Their Imaginary Worlds

One of life’s great treats, for a lover of books (especially fantasy books), is to open a cover to find a map secreted inside and filled with the details of a land about to be discovered. A writer’s map hints at a fully imagined world, and at the beginning of a book, it’s a promise.
Tags: #culture
Saved on: 2018-11-05

Tailwind: style your site without writing any CSS! - Julia Evans

Hello! Over the last couple of days I put together a new website for my zines ( To make this website, I needed to write HTML and CSS. Eep!! Web design really isn’t my strong suit.
Saved on: 2018-11-02


howler.js is an audio library for the modern web. It defaults to Web Audio API and falls back to HTML5 Audio. This makes working with audio in JavaScript easy and reliable across all platforms. Additional information, live demos and a user showcase are available at
Saved on: 2018-11-01

The Web Accessibility Introduction I Wish I Had

Hello again, past self. I'm sending you another message from a future where it's finally getting colder, you got the guts to go to therapy, and that thing under the floorboards somehow escaped. Most importantly, your future job responsibilities focus much more focus on web accessibility.
Saved on: 2018-10-31

Web Performance 101

This is an introduction to modern web loading performance. Learn why performance is important, what performance optimizations exist, and which tools can help you understand if your app is performing well.
Saved on: 2018-10-30

14 Things I Wish I’d Known When Starting with MongoDB

Key Takeaways Even though MongoDB doesn’t enforce it, it is vital to design a schema. Likewise, indexes have to be designed in conjunction with your schema and access patterns. Avoid large objects, and especially large arrays.
Tags: #mongodb
Saved on: 2018-10-29

HTTP/2: speed up your apps and dispatch real time updates (Symfony and API Platform’s features announcement)

HTTP/2 can improve the loading time of webpages up to 2 times. Did you know that it’s very easy to optimize your Symfony applications to leverage the advanced features of this new protocol?
Saved on: 2018-10-27

nystudio107 | An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web…

Please consider 🎗 sponsoring me 🎗 to keep writing articles like this. Build­ing a mod­ern web­site has become cus­tom appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment.
Saved on: 2018-10-25

The Guide To Write Universal SSR-ready Vue Components

As a Vue developer, you may have heard the term server-side rendering (SSR). Even if you are not using a framework like Nuxt.
Tags: #vuejs
Saved on: 2018-10-24

Modernizing Applications for Kubernetes - DEV Community ?‍??‍?

Modern stateless applications are built and designed to run in software containers like Docker, and be managed by container clusters like Kubernetes.
Saved on: 2018-10-23

A Pragmatic Quick Reference

I modified the recommended reading list to include The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. If you haven't read the book, it includes a handy reference card that will give you a great idea of the gems covered inside.
Saved on: 2018-10-20

Paper Airplane Designs

A database of paper airplanes with easy to follow folding instructions, video tutorials and printable folding plans. Find the best paper airplanes!
Saved on: 2018-10-19

Organise by domain

In this post we'll look at a different approach of structuring large code bases into separate domains. The name "domain" is derived from the popular DDD paradigm, or also: domain driven design.
Tags: #laravel #ddd
Saved on: 2018-10-18

Domain Storytelling

Storytelling is at the heart of human communication—why not use it to overcome costly misunderstandings when designing software? By telling and visualizing stories, domain experts and team members make business processes and domain knowledge tangible.
Tags: #ddd
Saved on: 2018-10-18

Rhythm in Web Typography | Better Web Type

Horizontal rhythm mostly impacts the legibility, while vertical rhythm impacts the readability of the text and establishes a sense of visual hierarchy. This guide is based on chapter 6 from the book Better Web Typography for a Better Web by Matej Latin.
Saved on: 2018-10-17

Working an application in Vue.js with TDD — An extensive guide for people who have time — part 1

If you want to read it in pt-BR, check it out here. This is a sample vue.js project using TDD. Contribute to kuroski/article-tdd-vue development by creating an account on…
Tags: #vuejs #tdd
Saved on: 2018-10-17


Flight Rules are the hard-earned body of knowledge recorded in manuals that list, step-by-step, what to do if X occurs, and why. Essentially, they are extremely detailed, scenario-specific standard operating procedures. [...]
Tags: #git
Saved on: 2018-10-16

How to Manage Connections Efficiently in Postgres, or Any Database — Brandu

You start building your new project. You’ve heard good things about Postgres, so you choose it as your database. As advertised, it proves to be a satisfying tool and progress is good.
Tags: #database
Saved on: 2018-10-16

CSS Layout cookbook

The CSS layout cookbook aims to bring together recipes for common layout patterns, things you might need to implement in your own sites.
Tags: #guide #css
Saved on: 2018-10-14

Diving into Symfony’s DependencyInjection — Part 1: First steps with the co

this article, we’re going to dive into Symfony’s dependency injection component. We will use it from scratch, out of the Symfony framework, with the minimum of external dependencies. You can code along with me while reading this article, each steps will be detailed so you can easily follow.
Tags: #symfony
Saved on: 2018-10-11

Unit Test Your First Vue.js Component

In Build Your First Vue.js Component we made a star rating component. We’ve covered many fundamental concepts to help you create more complex Vue.js components. Yet, there’s one crucial point you need to build bulletproof components you can use in production: unit testing.
Saved on: 2018-10-10

Tips for building lighter and more performant Vue.js SPA

Building Single Page Apps is quite common these days. Frontend frameworks come with tools and boilerplates that scaffold starter projects which are most of the time Single Page apps. 
Tags: #vuejs #spa
Saved on: 2018-10-10

BEM - A naming philosophy that just works

Report Share
Tags: #css #bem
Saved on: 2018-10-09

12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium

Jeff D. CLIs are a fantastic way to build products. Unlike web applications, they take a small fraction of the time to build and are much more powerful. With the web, you can do whatever the developer programmed.
Saved on: 2018-10-09

Calls between JavaScript and WebAssembly are finally fast 🎉 – Mozilla Hacks : the Web developer blog

At Mozilla, we want WebAssembly to be as fast as it can be. This started with its design, which gives it great throughput. Then we improved load times with a streaming baseline compiler. With this, we compile code faster than it comes over the network.
Saved on: 2018-10-09