Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #sysadmin.
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ZFS for Dummies

As mentioned on previous posts, I have spent the past few weeks dealing with a ZFS crash on my FreeNAS install.
Tags: #sysadmin
Saved on: 2023-09-05

Infrastructure overview

MangaDex is bigger than you think. No, really. People are often surprised (and/or sneer) at the complexity of some of the technical details we mention, but we do not engage in complexity for fun's sake.
Saved on: 2021-09-07

Infrastructure as Code, Part One

Let's say you've developed a new feature and you want to release it. You've avoided all the typical pitfalls when it comes to making a new release and you've done everything as you were meant to. It's not a Friday, it's not 5 pm, and so on.
Saved on: 2019-04-13