Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #sw-patterns.
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Code vs. No-Code | Jason Morris

There was a conversation on Twitter this week that helped to clarify my thinking about something, and I wanted to share. There is a sort of tension between “code” and “no-code” (sometimes “low-code”) solutions.
Saved on: 2022-06-23

Handling Plugins In PHP

A common problem that developers face when building applications is how to allow the application to be “plug-able” at runtime. Meaning, to allow non-core code to modify the way an application is processed at runtime.
Saved on: 2019-12-30

Nick Craver - Stack Overflow: How We Do Deployment - 2016 Edition

This is #3 in a very long series of posts on Stack Overflow’s architecture. Previous post (#2): Stack Overflow: The Hardware - 2016 Edition We’ve talked about Stack Overflow’s architecture and the hardware behind it. The next most requested topic was Deployment.
Saved on: 2019-05-28

Writing Resilient Components — Overreacted

When people start learning React, they often ask for a style guide. While it’s a good idea to have some consistent rules applied across a project, a lot of them are arbitrary — and so React doesn’t have a strong opinion about them.
Saved on: 2019-03-18