Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #management.
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9 books that helped me navigate my first time being a tech-lead

The tech lead was moving to another team for a long-term assignment, and I took over as the engineering manager/team lead. From the outside, the tech lead's job seemed doable, but I quickly realized I was getting in over my head.
Saved on: 2018-12-14


You can find (just about) anything on Medium — apparently even a page that doesn’t exist.
Saved on: 2018-06-29

Guide to leading a team

Alignment, accountability and transparency are the building blocks of a successful team. They are must-haves to make everything else in this guide work. Let’s outline how communication actually happens on a high performing team. There are typically 2 processes for formal communication:
Tags: #management
Saved on: 2018-06-06