Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #docker.
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6 Docker Compose Best Practices for Dev and Prod

Docker solves the "but it runs on my machine" problem by introducing containerization. However, with a multifaceted code base, you must simultaneously run several containers like the back and front end. Further, this will require you to leverage tools such as Docker Compose.
Tags: #docker
Saved on: 2022-08-17

Turbocharged PHP Development with Xdebug, Docker & PHPStorm - Jump24

Quite the controversial “hot-take” from Derick, and while it certainly caused quite the stir (that it was probably designed to), it made me think. I thought, ‘Do I need to revisit Xdebug?’, and I realised that I’d fallen into Derick’s trap. But think I did.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2020-08-26

How do you build your (production) docker images ?

I'd like to start a discussion about docker images for php projects. For example, I see a lot of basic example using the apache versions of php image but that's not what most of us are using in a production environment.
Saved on: 2020-06-13

What is the recommended way to deploy php in containers ? (using "php-pfm

NGINX in one container, and then PHP-FPM in another, then connect them together via FastCGI over TCP. Having them both in individual containers means that Docker is only managing a single process per container, which is generally how it's intended.
Saved on: 2020-02-18


Docker Image for Symfony 4.3+ Application running on Apache 2.4 based on PHP Official Image. This image should be used as a base image for your Symfony Project, and you shall extend and edit it according to your app needs.
Saved on: 2019-09-24

Overview · Lando Documentation

Lando is for developers who want to: Quickly specify and painlessly spin up the services and tools needed to develop their projects. Specify these local development dependencies in a per-project, lives-in-git config file called .lando.
Saved on: 2019-08-01

Thank You to the Stack Overflow Community for Ranking Docker the Most Used, Desired, and Admired Developer Tool 

Learn about Docker’s collaboration with NVIDIA, which enhances your ability to leverage Docker containers and improves your overall experience of building and developing AI/ML applications. Learn how to use GenAI to fix ESLint violations, without installing Node.
Tags: #docker #guide
Saved on: 2019-07-08

How to build a Docker development setup for PHP Projects [Tutorial Part 3]

In this part of my tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we'll lay the fundamentals to build a complete development infrastructure and explain how to "structure" the Docker setup as part of a PHP project.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2019-05-20

Rebuilding My Personal Infrastructure With Alpine Linux and Docker

For more than a decade I have run one or more servers to host a number of personal websites and web applications. Recently I decided it was time to rebuild the servers to address some issues and make improvements.
Tags: #docker
Saved on: 2019-03-13

Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes in 10 minutes

What is a Microservice? What is a microservice? Should you be using microservices? How are microservices related to containers and Kubernetes? If these things keep coming up in your day-to-day and you need an overview in 10 minutes, this blog post is for you.
Saved on: 2019-03-07

20 Docker commands use cases for developers

Technology is most effective when you know how to work with it; bear this in mind when you work with Docker. Teams adopting Docker for the first time typically do so on the recommendation of Devops.
Tags: #docker
Saved on: 2019-01-28

Getting started with Docker

In this post, you are going to learn what Docker is and how it can help you not only to keep your developing environment organized but also portable to any machine irrespective of the operating system. This is the first part of the series. Read on! Docker is not the first such attempt.
Saved on: 2018-12-26

Docker PHP/PHP-FPM Configuration via Environment Variables

For several months now I have been working on’s replacement. It is a Docker-based GUI functionally similar to PuPHPet. Docker, like Vagrant, allows sharing directories and files from the host to the container/VM.
Saved on: 2018-11-16

Symfony Docker, dall'ambiente di sviluppo alla produzione

Test jobs Test with coverage: stage: Test coverage: '/Lines:\s*\d+\.
Saved on: 2018-09-25

Building a single-page application with Symfony 4, Vue.js, Vue Router, Vuex

With Symfony, I used to build my web applications in a traditional way: the framework handles everything, from the routing to the page rendering. However nowadays web applications have complex user interactions and the previous approach does not fit well for such cases.
Saved on: 2018-09-04

How to build a scalable Symfony application on Kubernetes

Modern web applications are complex. The expectations of your users regarding your application are constantly increasing: nowadays, an application needs to be fast, convenient, easy to use and beautiful.
Saved on: 2018-08-14

Why Docker? Creating a multi-container application with docker

If you are just starting to learn docker, one of the common questions that come to mind is what docker is and why one would need it. In this post, I provide basic answers to some of these questions and finally walk you through composing your first multi-container application with docker-compose.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2018-05-06

Building the ultimate general purpose PHP image for Docker

In this article, I will explain why we decided to build "general purpose" PHP images for Docker, and what you can gain from using one of these images (spoiler alert: it's time). Have a look at thecodingmachine/php. This project contains a set of Docker images containing PHP with:
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2018-02-13

Regaining trust in your test suite with Docker.

Docker, and containerised services in general, have brought a lot to the world of software development. While not everybody is (or ever should be) using docker as their deployment method, it's usefulness far exceeds being just a platform to run services on in production.
Saved on: 2018-01-20

Docker for any PHP Version | Servers for Hackers

We first started trying out installing Laravel on a machine with PHP 5.5 (Laravel 5.3 requires PHP 5.6+). This gave us an error, as we'd expect. Rather than spin up a whole VM, I chose to try using Docker.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-11-02


Docker has quickly become the container engine of choice, and it may be replacing a virtual machine near you soon. This book offers a step-by-step guide to walk you through building your first real PHP web application using Docker while explaining the basics of the platform along the way.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-10-10

Docker - Getting Started. Why it's useful. How to customize. Common pitfall

So I noticed there seems to be interest in Docker development environments in this subreddit. While I'm far from an expert, I've been learning how to use Docker recently, and thought I'd share a few tidbits from what I've learned with you all.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-08-29

Continuous Deployment environment with Docker, AWS EB and Codeship | Piotr

Part I – Setting up environment with Docker I have spent a lot of time watching presentations about automated deployment with Ansible, Capifony, Capistrano or making consistent environments with Vagrant or VirtualBox, but all of those presentations did not tought me how to build environment from s
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2015-07-24

Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management

KubernetesInterested in learning more about using Kubernetes? Please see our user-facing documentation on kubernetes.
Saved on: 2014-06-10