Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #react-js.
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? Weekend Project: Online Book Site |

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Saved on: 2021-02-19

Build your own React

We are going to rewrite React from scratch. Step by step. Following the architecture from the real React code but without all the optimizations and non-essential features. You can find the history with the old blog posts and the code on the Didact repo.
Saved on: 2019-11-15


Click to change options App Type You get a complete SaaS app with authentication, subscription payments, user settings, dashboard, data-fetching, landing page, and more.
Saved on: 2019-08-13

Frontend Design, React, and a Bridge over the Great Divide

Frontend designers create the HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code that powers web products’ user interfaces. I see frontend design as helpful mortar that bridges the gap between design and development. Of course “frontend designer” may or may not be the right title for it.
Saved on: 2019-07-19

Writing Resilient Components — Overreacted

When people start learning React, they often ask for a style guide. While it’s a good idea to have some consistent rules applied across a project, a lot of them are arbitrary — and so React doesn’t have a strong opinion about them.
Saved on: 2019-03-18

Blog - Next.js 8 | Next.js

As always, we have strived to ensure all these benefits are completely backwards compatible. For most Next.js applications, all you need to do is run: We are thankful to our community and everyone who has bet on our success.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2019-02-12

React as a UI Runtime — Overreacted

Most tutorials introduce React as a UI library. This makes sense because React is a UI library. That’s literally what the tagline says! I’ve written about the challenges of creating user interfaces before. But this post talks about React in a different way — more as a programming runtime.
Saved on: 2019-02-04


The goal of this tutorial is to quickly get you off the ground with React concepts. This tutorial has hands-on exercises which I consider to be the most important part of this tutorial.
Saved on: 2019-02-01

How Does setState Know What to Do?

When you call setState in a component, what do you think happens? Sure, React re-renders the component with the next { clicked: true } state and updates the DOM to match the returned <h1>Thanks</h1> element.
Saved on: 2018-12-09

How Does React Tell a Class from a Function?

But React itself cares about the difference! In both cases React’s goal is to get the rendered node (in this example, <p>Hello</p>). But the exact steps depend on how Greeting is defined.
Saved on: 2018-12-03

A Complete Beginner's Guide to React - DEV Community ?‍??‍?

React is one of my favorite technologies, so I thought I would create a React intro. This post requires knowledge of HTML and JavaScript -- I am of the firm opinion that you should know these before moving on to libraries like React.
Saved on: 2018-09-04

Design Principles - React

We wrote this document so that you have a better idea of how we decide what React does and what React doesn’t do, and what our development philosophy is like. While we are excited to see community contributions, we are not likely to choose a path that violates one or more of these principles.
Saved on: 2018-07-30

I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.

Having used Vue at work, I had a fairly solid understanding of it. I was, however, curious to know what the grass was like on the other side of the fence — the grass in this scenario being React.
Saved on: 2018-07-29

JavaScript fundamentals before learning React

After all my teachings about React, be it online for a larger audience or on-site for companies transitioning to web development and React, I always come to the conclusion that React is all about JavaScript.
Saved on: 2018-07-20


A simple (99% ES2015 less) tutorial for React. Everything runs in the browser without a manual pre-compilation. If you want to run the examples with create-react-app, you have to copy the text/babel script parts of the examples into the src/index.
Saved on: 2018-06-30

My struggle to learn React | Brad Frost

I’m going to be honest: I’ve had a hell of a time getting my head around React. More than any other technology I’ve touched over the last 10 years of my career, I just haven’t had it click for me. It’s very frustrating as I really want to learn it, and it’s clear the library has legs.
Saved on: 2018-05-09

Building a Progressive Web App in React

In case you haven’t heard, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are finally ready for prime time. It might not yet be obvious to many people how to install a PWA, but if you’ve done it once you won’t forget it and it’s simpler than using an app store.
Tags: #pwa #react-js
Saved on: 2018-05-09

How to build a news app with JavaScript and React Native

Requirements for building the app: A basic understanding of the JavaScript language. Node.js, and react native. Libraries used: moment, react-native, react-native-elements. If you’re not familiar with these resources, don’t worry — they are quite easy to use.
Saved on: 2018-05-08

React-Redux A-B-C, Easy as 1–2–3

This article is going to break down the 3 steps I use to implement Redux into my React apps. Mostly following community standards plus little of my opinion spinkled on to help organize directories.
Saved on: 2017-11-29

Simple React Patterns

I've been writing React applications for a few years now, and I've noticed that some patterns tend to repeat themselves. In this post, I'll review these patterns which will summarize about 99% of the React code I write every day.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2017-11-10

ReactPWA | Progressive web application with ReactJS

Its fast and developer friendly And more importantly its UPGRADABLE! View all features Visit http://localhost:3003 to see the boilerplate in action!
Tags: #pwa #react-js
Saved on: 2017-11-02

JSX (react) in depth - an interactive tutorial

This article is an interactive version of Facebook official tutorial JSX in depth using the KLIPSE plugin to make the code snippets interactive: the JSX code will be transpiled in your browser while you read this article and a couple of react components will be rendered.
Saved on: 2017-09-08

The Simplest React Stack – Bertalan Miklos – Medium

I am in search of the simplest React Stack. It has to be future-proof and feature-packed, but most importantly it has to be a breeze to work with. In this series I will look for easy-to-use solutions to implement a buffed version of the classic React TodoMVC.
Saved on: 2017-08-31

Cheat to Win: Learn React with Copywork

So you’ve built a few TODO apps. Ok, a lot of TODO apps. After the 35th one you’ve started to wonder if React can even do anything else. What’s the “next level” in terms of learning? How can you go about getting better at React?
Saved on: 2017-06-27


?Expenses is a progressive web application on top of Google Sheets ? written in React ⚛️. It is only a static HTML that works great on mobile ? and can be deployed anywhere. Checkout the demo but please be considerate and don't break it for others.
Saved on: 2017-06-21

Rebuilding Slack’s Emoji Picker in React – Several People Are Coding

Slack is transitioning its web client to React. When Slack was first built, our frontend consisted of established technologies like jQuery and Handlebars. Since then, the community has developed better ways to create scalable, data-driven interfaces.
Saved on: 2017-05-24

Building HandsUp: an OS real-time voting App using GraphQL and React

In this article, we will look at all the steps that were involved to build an Open Source real-time voting App using GraphQL and React. This App will allow attendees of an event to ask questions (if logged in) and vote for the most interesting ones.
Saved on: 2017-05-17

Rearchitecting Airbnb’s Frontend – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medi

Overview: We recently rethought the architecture for the JavaScript side of our codebase at Airbnb. This post will look at (1) the product drivers that precipitated the changes, (2) the steps we took to move away from our legacy Rails solutions, and (3) some of the key pillars of the new stack.
Saved on: 2017-05-16

Build Yourself a Redux - The Zapier Engineering Blog - Zapier

Redux is a simple library that helps you manage the state of your JavaScript app. Despite that simplicity, it's easy to fall down rabbit holes when learning it. I often find myself explaining Redux, and almost always start by showing how I'd implement it.
Saved on: 2017-05-05


Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more, meant to be a collection of high-quality articles and resources for someone who wants to learn about the React-Redux ecosystem, as well as a source for quality information on advanced topics and techniques.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2017-04-19


Curated tutorial and resource links I've collected on React, Redux, ES6, and more, meant to be a collection of high-quality articles and resources for someone who wants to learn about the React-Redux ecosystem, as well as a source for quality information on advanced topics and techniques.
Saved on: 2017-03-31

Using Neutrino to jump-start modern JavaScript development ★ Mozilla Hacks

Neutrino is a tool which brings together the best parts of the modern JavaScript toolchain with the ease of zero upfront configuration. Embarking on the adventure that is JavaScript development can be daunting.
Saved on: 2017-02-24

Our journey migrating 100k lines of code from AngularJS to React (Chapter 1

This is the first post of a series explaining the story and technical learnings we had from starting to migrate from AngularJS to React. Check out the github repo for examples and the full code.
Saved on: 2017-02-06


俄罗斯方块是一直各类程序语言热衷实现的经典游戏,JavaScript的实现版本也有很多,用React 做好俄罗斯方块则成了我一个目标。 不仅指屏幕的自适应,而是在PC使用键盘、在手机使用手指的响应式操作:
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2017-02-04

More Than React: Why You Shouldn’t Use ReactJS For Complex Interactive Fron

Key Takeaways ReactJS components are difficult to reuse in complex interactive web projects. ReactJS’s Virtual DOM algorithm is time-consuming and imprecise. ReactJS’s HTML templates are neither complete nor powerful.
Saved on: 2017-02-02

CRAFT: Create React App From Template – Medium

If you’ve ever used create-react-app and wished you could customize the code it generates, read on. If you’ve never used create-react-app, start here.
Saved on: 2017-01-30

Fullstack React: 30 Days of React

Interested in Learning React but having trouble getting started? Over the next 30 days, we'll walk through everything you need to know to work with React. From the very beginning through testing and deployment of our first app.
Saved on: 2016-12-16


search react-md The logo is similar to the React logo. It just contains the letters MD in the center of the nuclii.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2016-12-16

petehunt/react-howto: Your guide to the (sometimes overwhelming!) React eco

If you’re new to React (or frontend in general) you may find the ecosystem confusing. There are a few reasons for this. Throughout this document, I’ll assume you’ve built a web page with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2016-02-16

ReactRally - YouTube

18:09 Dave Smith - How React literally waters my lawn - Duration: 18 minutes. 20:54 Jamis Charles - Migrating critical apps to React - Duration: 20 minutes. 22:43 Jeff Morrison - Flow or how I learned to stop worrying and typecheck my React code - Duration: 22 minutes.
Saved on: 2015-11-05

Sage: Open Source Mathematics Software: React, Flux, RethinkDB and SageMath

I've been using databases and doing web development for over 20 years, and I've never really loved any database before and definitely didn't love any web development frameworks either. That all changed for me this summer...
Saved on: 2015-09-01

reactjs - netflix - tony casparro - chasing 60fps - YouTube

Tony Casparro from Netflix talking about rebuilding the netflix ui with reactjs React Render Visualizer: TimeoutTransitionGroup Mod: ESLint Plugins: Tony's site: h
Saved on: 2015-08-13

New React Devtools Beta | React

We've made an entirely new version of the devtools, and we want you to try it out! Perhaps the biggest reason was to create a defined API for dealing with internals, so that other tools could benefit as well and not have to depend on implementation details.
Saved on: 2015-08-04

Flux Architecture Visual Cheatsheet | A Techsolutionist's Blog

At we recently started experimenting with the React library, and, right from the start, I really liked what I saw. After that, I also went to study the Flux architecture, and, honestly, I found the official overview and tutorials rather confusing.
Saved on: 2015-07-29


SurviveJS - Maintenance is meant for anyone who has to develop and maintain JavaScript applications or packages. The purpose of this book is to gather development practices that are particularly useful for anyone who has to maintain JavaScript code or code that compiles to JavaScript.
Saved on: 2015-07-15

A Reflux TodoMVC codebase walkthrough

Very likely you're already familiar with TodoMVC, Addy Osmani's project to help comparing JavaScript frameworks.
Saved on: 2015-07-15

React.js Reflux example – Ochronus

Then I came across ReactJS and the Flux architecture. I wouldn’t say it’s our salvation but I really like the direction it’s going towards. I’m now creating a very simple example app using the Reflux library.
Saved on: 2015-07-15

Dan Abramov - Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel at react-europe 20

React’s unique strength is bringing to JavaScript development some of the benefits previously exclusive to more radically functional languages such as Elm and ClojureScript, without forcing you to completely eschew local state or rewrite code with exclusively immutable data structures. In this tal
Saved on: 2015-07-05

gaearon/redux · GitHub

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2015-07-05

Meteor: the missing infrastructure for building great React apps

In this post, we'll talk about React, a library for rich interactive components, and how Meteor is the perfect complement for building great apps. React is a library that lets you build your web app (and soon native mobile app) as a collection of re-useable, encapsulated UI components.
Saved on: 2015-07-03

Best practices for building large React applications — Sift Science Blog

Sift Science has been using React in production for almost a year now. In that time, we grew our application from a Backbone + React frankenstein hybrid app into one fairly large hierarchy of React components.
Saved on: 2015-05-09


This is a work in progress. At the time of writing, the examples were written for React 0.12.x. This guide will be updated with examples for React 0.13 ES6 classes soon!
Saved on: 2015-03-24

Introduction to Facebook's Flux architecture

If you’re like me and you wanted to go further with React, you more than likely would’ve checked out Flux, had a glance, closed the tab and then reassessed your life as a Javascript developer. If you’re not familiar with React, please checkout my getting started with React post.
Saved on: 2015-02-23

React Tips and Best Practices - ÆFLASH

I've spent a good deal of the past year working with React. I've written, refactored, and re-written many components in that time, and I've seen some best practices and anti-patterns emerge.
Tags: #react-js
Saved on: 2015-02-23

Getting Started With React

I had been meaning to start playing around with React for quite a while now. There is a lot of buzz around React and I really wanted to see what it was all about. I had looked at a little code written with React and JSX and I was frankly a little taken aback by the syntax.
Saved on: 2014-09-08

Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome

I've been studying frameworks and libraries like Ember, Angular, and React the past several months, and given Web Components a lot of thought. These all solve similar problems to varying degrees, and are in conflict in some ways and in harmony in others.
Saved on: 2014-05-14