Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #seo.
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The SEO scam: 62,000 dollars later

Like many businesses operating online, we at Tinloof decided to explore SEO to attract more leads.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2023-08-08

15 Prompt di ChtGPT per il SEO Copywriting

Ben ritrovati su questi lidi! Come abbiamo appreso nei precedenti articoli, ChatGPT è uno strumento molto versatile per il SEO copywriting.
Tags: #ai #seo
Saved on: 2023-01-31

Complete Internal List of Yandex Ranking Factors - Web Marketing School

Moobs, YOLO, slacktivist, clickbait. These words all turned up in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2016, signalling, perhaps, that the
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2023-01-28

Web Vitals patterns

This collection includes patterns that are often tricky to implement without hurting your Core Web Vitals scores. Use the code in these examples to help ensure your projects stay on the right track.
Saved on: 2021-09-17

Core Web Vitals Tracking via GA4, BigQuery and Google Data Studio

This article includes full instructions to set up my (Tony McCreath) Core Web Vitals report using your users Core Web Vitals experience on your website. Set up is via Google Analytics 4 (gtag or GTM), BigQuery and Google Data Studio. At Google I/O 2021 the web.
Saved on: 2021-06-01

Getting my blog ready for Core Web Vitals & Page Experience - Paul Bakaus'

I’m a big fan of Core Web Vitals, and the cumulative set of criteria that Google calls “Page Experience”, and that is not a coincidence! In the many conversations I’ve had with AMP haters skeptics, most have asked “why we can’t just measure whether something is fast & user friendly” wh
Saved on: 2021-04-24

The Almost-Complete Guide to Cumulative Layout Shift

Confession Time: I don’t care about the Core Web Vitals (CWV) update. # For those who don’t know but still read my blog (hi, mom), here’s the quick rundown. “Core Web Vitals” is the name of three “core” parts of measuring the “web’s” “vitality.
Saved on: 2021-04-20

How CLS optimizations increased Yahoo! JAPAN News's page views per session

Optimizing CLS by 0.2 led to a 15% increase in page views per session, 13% longer session durations, and a 1.72 percentage point decrease in bounce rate. Yahoo! JAPAN is one of the largest media companies in Japan, providing over 79 billion page views per month.
Saved on: 2021-03-10

How we boosted our traffic by 504.17% with a SEO-Friendly Web Story

Google Web Stories are a web-based version of the famous “Stories” format that we see on social networking apps like Instagram and TikTok. This new format allows anyone to easily create short, engaging, and dynamic content, which is then playable across any browser on the Open Web.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2021-01-03

Website Ranking Tips - On-Demand Webinar - Moz

Listen in and learn from the experts as Cyrus Shepard and John Mueller discuss SEO and how digital marketers and site owners can increase their chances of landing at the top of the SERPs.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2020-11-06

Google Goes Deeper On How It Measures Web Vitals

Martin Splitt from Google went a bit deeper, on Twitter (yes on Twitter), on how Google goes about rendering and measuring what it renders. Here is what Martin Splitt said on Twitter.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2020-08-04

SEO Checklist: i fattori SEO da Ottimizzare

#Block all URL with parameters Disallow: /*?
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2019-05-15

SEO For Engineers

The "503 Service Unavailable" HTTP response code is the best way to handle planned or unexpected downtime. It has a minimal impact on search rankings compared to other 5XX responses. 500, 502 and 504 HTTP response codes cause Google to suppress a webpage or de-index it altogether.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2019-02-09

Errori di Link building interna: lo studio di SEMrush

La link building interna può essere una miniera d'oro di opportunità SEO completamente sotto il tuo controllo, ma troppo spesso ci sono errori di collegamento che possono danneggiarti. Leggi il nostro nuovo studio per scoprire quali sono questi errori e come puoi risolverli.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2019-02-08

Google Search Operators: The Complete List (44 Advanced Operators)

In this post, you’ll learn all of Google’s search operators and how to master them for SEO. Below is a brief description of what every Google search operator does.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2019-01-25

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide - Search Console Help

If you own, manage, monetize, or promote online content via Google Search, this guide is meant for you.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2019-01-11

How Zapier Reached $35M ARR With This SaaS SEO Strategy

Want to drive more search traffic to your SaaS? In this case study, we’ll step outside the usual content marketing tactics most SaaS companies use. And look at how Zapier leverages SEO to drive millions of high intent searchers to their product every month.
Saved on: 2018-11-15

Thanks for tuning in to Google I/O! Watch content on-demand. Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. We want to help you build beautiful, accessible, fast, and secure websites that work cross-browser, and for all of your users.
Saved on: 2018-11-13

Is responsive web design enough? (Hint: No) - Search Engine Land

As mobile-first indexing nears, the need to optimize for mobile has never felt so pressing. Even in its current iteration, mobile search is incredibly important for advertisers and businesses of all sizes. Consider these statistics:
Saved on: 2018-05-03

SEO Tools: The Complete List (2021 Update)

If you want to see the best SEO tools in one place, then you’ll LOVE this (updated) guide. And you can filter through the list to find the best SEO software for you.
Tags: #seo #tools
Saved on: 2018-04-12

WordPress SEO Checklist - 45 Tips to Grow Traffic by 571% in 13 months

Some might lead you to believe “SEO is dead.” Google that search term and what comes back in return is over 800,000 search results. However, just because SEO has changed drastically over the past decade doesn’t mean it is dead, it simply means it has changed.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2018-04-03

7 SEO Techniques That Will Help You Win In 2018

The SEO techniques below all help you do one or more of those things. Competition makes life harder, but your competitors SEO strategies can also be a source of topic ideas.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2018-03-01

Show HN: Sitebulb, a website crawler and auditor for SEOs

We are proud to announce the official public launch of our new product: Sitebulb. Sitebulb is a website crawler that helps users carry out technical SEO audits. It is a desktop product which works on Windows and Mac.
Tags: #seo #tools
Saved on: 2017-09-28

Search Engine Land's Guide To SEO

This freshly updated guide walks you through the key tactics of good SEO so you can develop a solid SEO strategy to drive organic traffic to your site. Search engine optimization is essential to your website, yet there are SEO fundamentals you must know to get the website visitors you need.
Saved on: 2017-05-05

The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site I Build — Philip Walton

Google Analytics is a powerful yet quite complicated tool. And unfortunately, the truth is most people who use it don’t reap its full benefits.
Tags: #seo #tutorial
Saved on: 2017-02-14

Decoding Google's Referral String (or, how I surviVED Secure Search) - Moz

Last week, I held a Mozinar outlining a method to extract SERP vertical -- called Universal Search by Google --- from Google referral strings. Since the Mozinar concluded, the number of people who have reached out with their own theories and ideas has been impressive.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2017-02-03

Why My Google Organic Search Web Traffic Dropped?

Have you checked your Web analytics just to find out your site has lost a high share of its organic search traffic in the last days? Don’t panic! Here’s a checklist that will help you to identify the cause (you can also download a pdf version here):
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2015-10-21

Google Online Security Blog: HTTPS as a ranking signal

Cross-posted from the Webmaster Central Blog Security is a top priority for Google. We invest a lot in making sure that our services use industry-leading security, like strong HTTPS encryption by default.
Tags: #seo #webdev
Saved on: 2014-08-08