Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #graphql.
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GraphQLite: GraphQL in PHP made easy

We are pretty thrilled to announce a new GraphQL library for PHP. It is called GraphQLite and is aiming at making exposing a GraphQL API in PHP dead simple. GraphQLite is a PHP library that maps your PHP classes and methods into GraphQL APIs.
Tags: #php #graphql
Saved on: 2019-02-12

GraphQL cheatsheet

{ hero { name height } } ↓ { hero: { name: "Luke Skywalker", height: 1.
Saved on: 2018-11-07

GraphQL vs REST: Caching | Phil Sturgeon

Recently I wrote GraphQL vs REST: Overview, giving a hype-free outline of the differences between REST and GraphQL. One section that would not have fit into that already lengthy article was caching, so I thought I'd fire that out next.
Tags: #graphql #api
Saved on: 2018-09-26

The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL

The free and open-source tutorial to learn all around GraphQL to go from zero to production. In the first chapter, you’ll learn about the core concepts of GraphQL.
Saved on: 2018-06-13

Vue <3 GraphQL

TL;DR: I made dis: This is my first article on and I want to use this to share my current open source project with this amazing community :) The GraphQL Plugin for Vuex-ORM and this article is powered by the Germany based i22 Digitalagentur GmbH.
Saved on: 2018-05-29

Integrating Apollo with Vue and Vuex

My previous article discussed how to setup a simple GraphQL server and query it from a Vue frontend. For my personal projects, I believe this is adequate, however a more common solution in complex, production applications is a framework to bring some structure and extra features to your stack.
Saved on: 2018-04-11

Building HandsUp: an OS real-time voting App using GraphQL and React

In this article, we will look at all the steps that were involved to build an Open Source real-time Q&A App using GraphQL and React. This App will allow attendees of an event to ask questions (if logged in) and vote for the most interesting ones.
Saved on: 2017-05-17

Let's Learn GraphQL | Learn GraphQL

Application Programming Interface (API) is a widely used term for the past few years. In simple words, API is an interface that allows developers, users, and even consumers to interact with the data. Among these groups, developers are the ones who widely use APIs.
Saved on: 2015-10-14