Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #business.
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How to offer effective free trials | Upollo

If you could increase the conversion rate of your free trials by 10%, how much of a difference would that make? For most companies, even a 5% boost in their trial-to-paid conversion rate would transform their business. The problem is figuring out how to do that.
Tags: #business
Saved on: 2022-08-31

Let it slide

No matter the size of the business, there'll always be an unlimited number of tasks left to do, processes left to improve, and contingencies left to plan. The work is truly never done, so regardless of how much effort is put in, you'll inevitably end the day unfinished.
Saved on: 2022-08-23

It looks like a product but is secretly a subscription

In my parents' childhood it was more common for milk to be delivered weekly (or twice weekly) by a milkman than to go to a shop to buy it. Milk was a subscription service and that made a lot of sense, especially as the milkman also sold eggs, bread and other staples.
Saved on: 2021-08-03

A Bootstrapped SaaS Journey to $10K MRR

I'm Jon Yongfook the founder of Bannerbear. $10K MRR is considered something of a SaaS Bootstrapping milestone so I thought I should document how I got here. This is not a secret formula / growth hack, it is just a personal account of growing a startup.
Tags: #business
Saved on: 2021-01-28

The $4335 Video Course Launch That Made Me Think ????? - Christoph Rumpel

At the beginning of 2019, I released Laravel Core Adventures as a free video course on how Laravel works under the hood. It started with a few videos on Laravel's request life-cycle and facades.
Saved on: 2020-08-13

Parked Domain name on Hostinger DNS system

Happy to see your domain with Hostinger! Your domain is active and is using Hostinger nameservers. Take the recommended steps below to continue your journey with Hostinger.
Saved on: 2020-07-24

You don't want quality time, you want garbage time

What is something you wish you'd done later in life, rather than earlier? Reply directly to this email to let me know! If you've been curious about machine learning, Vicki Boykis wrote a couple of posts that provide context to the hype.
Saved on: 2020-03-10

The Google Squeeze

In 3Q 2014 Google had $16.5 billion in revenue and $2.8 billion in profit. I proceeded to write an article entitled Peak Google. Fast forward to last quarter, and Google had $36 billion in revenue and $6.7 billion in profit, increases of 118% and 139% respectively.
Tags: #business
Saved on: 2019-11-13

GitHub stars won’t pay your rent - Kitze - Medium

It’s been a long time since I have written something here, but I don’t want to write articles for the sake of “keeping the blog alive”, screw that. Well, I finally have a story to tell. I finally launched the new version of Sizzy last month.
Saved on: 2019-08-12

Facebook’s Privacy Cake – Stratechery by Ben Thompson

What was striking about the reaction to Mark Zuckerberg’s latest missive about the future of Facebook, A Privacy-Focused Vision for Social Networking, were the two very distinct reactions that, in my estimation, made the same mistake, but in opposite directions; one set of folks didn’t take Zuck
Tags: #business
Saved on: 2019-03-08

Ask HN: What are your “brain hacks” that help you manage every day situatio

He's unemotional yet thoughtful. If he doesn't have an immediate answer for something, he instinctively understands how to search for the answer. He has a natural sense of the real priority of work and discussions. So I asked him for some of his favourite brain hacks...
Saved on: 2018-12-03

Invisible asymptotes — Remains of the Day

My first job at Amazon was as the first analyst in strategic planning, the forward-looking counterpart to accounting, which records what already happened.
Saved on: 2018-05-29