Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #php.
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Having fun with Kubernetes #0 – Martin Pham

Kubernetes (aka k8s – well, because there are 8 characters between K and S) was always on my Checklist for a long time. Since I wanted to learn more about DevOps to improve our delivery process at work.
Saved on: 2019-12-19

Lessons Learned from Testing and Refactoring Legacy – 24 Days in December

I remember when I first discovered automated testing. I immediately wanted to apply it to all the projects that I was working on, but it didn’t work as well as I expected. In fact, it was a disaster, which is why so many developers shy away from tests after a few failed attempts.
Tags: #php #testing
Saved on: 2019-12-05


Let's Learn About php 7.4 and its new features! Lesson 1: Class property typing (easy casting)
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2019-12-05

Generics in PHP using PHPDocs - Ondřej Mirtes - Medium

Two years ago I wrote an impactful article on union and intersection types. It helped the PHP community to familiarize themselves with these concepts which eventually led to intersection types support in PhpStorm. Today I have a similar goal. Generics are coming to PHPStan 0.
Saved on: 2019-12-02

A few tips on how to keep your PHP code style under control

How many times have you seen a code that seemed to be written in a rush? Multiple times, I believe.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2019-11-13

Legacy PHP Application: PHP CS Fixer & PHP Code Sniffer for PSR1 & PSR2 – S

Part 1 of this series covers a tour of my 14+ year old legacy CMS called LampLight and it continues with my use of command line code analysis tools to migrate it from PHP v 5.6 to 7.3.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2019-11-05

Laravel beyond CRUD: the next chapter

Scout APM helps PHP developers pinpoint N+1 queries, memory leaks & more so you can troubleshoot fast & get back to coding faster. Start your free 14-day trial today. It's been almost a year since I released the first post in a series called "Laravel beyond CRUD'.
Saved on: 2019-10-21

Custom error rendering in Slim 4 – Rob Allen's DevNotes

One of the nice things about Slim 4 is that it’s easier to customise the HTML generated on error without having to worry about the rest of the error handling mechanism. This is because we have separated error rendering from error handling.
Saved on: 2019-10-17

Object Oriented PHP for beginners

Object oriented PHP tutorials. This playlist covers Object-Oriented PHP in details. Starting with very basics: Creating classes and objects. ending with much...
Tags: #php #video
Saved on: 2019-10-17

A github CI workflow tailored to modern PHP applications (Laravel, Symfony, …)

Last year we wrote a blogpost about our setup we use for Oh Dear! with Gitlab, and how we use their pipelines for running our CI tests. Since then, we’ve moved back to Github since they introduced their free private repositories.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2019-10-06


Docker Image for Symfony 4.3+ Application running on Apache 2.4 based on PHP Official Image. This image should be used as a base image for your Symfony Project, and you shall extend and edit it according to your app needs.
Saved on: 2019-09-24


Presento A data preparing and presenting package for PHP. Why Presento? Presento is a simple but powerful tools for preparing and presenting data. When we build an API based application, we need to transform the data before present it through the response.
Saved on: 2019-09-22

Easy peasy RabbitMQ squeezy

Back in mid-2018, I had to learn the RabbitMQ. I was trying to understand how it works. Failed miserably. This thing happens too often for me. There are several things I wanted to learn. JS, Elasticsearch, MongoDB or even React. Miserably failed every time.
Saved on: 2019-08-28

Getting started with TDBM 5.1 and Symfony

At TheCodingMachine, we are using open-source tools daily to build our projects. And since we and our clients are ripping huge benefits from these open-source products, we also try to "give back" to the open-source community.
Saved on: 2019-08-28

A first look at Slim 4 – Rob Allen's DevNotes

With Slim 4 we have continued the tradition of allowing you to use the framework in the way that best fits you and your project.
Saved on: 2019-08-21

From LAMP to serverless: case study of | Matthieu Napoli

This article is part of a series of case studies of serverless PHP applications built with Bref on AWS Lambda. You can read more of those case studies here. This case study is about migrating the website to AWS Lambda using Bref.
Saved on: 2019-08-13

Migres - The PostgreSQL migration tool : PHP

I just released the first alpha version of a tool I have been working on. It's a framework agnostic migration tool for PostgreSQL.
Saved on: 2019-07-31

Setup VS Code for Efficient PHP development 🚀

I recently started programming in PHP using the well-known Symfony framework. I wanted to keep my VS Code habits and proficiency I had from my previous projects in Node.js and Vue.js, so I tried to configure VS Code for PHP development as well.
Tags: #php #tools
Saved on: 2019-07-20

How I use Live Templates in PHPStorm | Marijn Huizendveld

TL,DR; By using Live Templates you can speed up writing the boilerplate part of a lot of code. Live Templates can be easily shared within a team.
Saved on: 2019-07-19

Preloading in PHP 7.4

Scout APM helps PHP developers pinpoint N+1 queries, memory leaks & more so you can troubleshoot fast & get back to coding faster. Start your free 14-day trial today. With PHP 7.4, support for preloading was added, a feature that could improve the performance of your code significantly.
Saved on: 2019-07-04

How to build a Docker development setup for PHP Projects [Tutorial Part 3]

In this part of my tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we'll lay the fundamentals to build a complete development infrastructure and explain how to "structure" the Docker setup as part of a PHP project.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2019-05-20

PHP in 2019

Do you remember the popular "PHP: a fractal of bad design" blog post? The first time I read it, I was working in a crappy place with lots of legacy PHP projects. This article got me wondering whether I should just quit and go do something entirely different than programming.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2019-05-13

When to declare classes final

In the last month, I had a few discussions about the usage of the final marker on PHP classes. It is therefore clear that coders need a better explanation of when to use final, and when to avoid it.
Tags: #oop #php
Saved on: 2019-05-07

My problems with Doctrine : PHP

122Posted by2 years agoArchived Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.
Saved on: 2019-04-26

Slim 4 alpha : PHP

Well looks like you beat me to it! It’s been a long 18 months for me y’all. I’ve been working non-stop to push for this release to happen. Recently, I’ve also been promoted to lead dev for the Slim Framework org yay! Anyway enough about me.
Saved on: 2019-04-26

Děláš v PHP? Jsi jedním z nás

It would take us 3 full-time months to rewrite this code in 2017. In February 2019 we did it in less than 3-week span with the help of automated tools. Why and how? This post was originally published in Czech on Zdrojak.
Saved on: 2019-04-23

A PHP Compiler, aka The FFI Rabbit Hole | ircmaxell's Blog

It’s no secret that I’m into building toy compilers and programming languages. Today I’m introducing something that’s not a toy (I hope). Today, I’m introducing php-compiler (among many other projects).
Saved on: 2019-04-23

TwirPHP: A modern RPC framework for PHP

In the last couple years RPC started to become popular again as a communication mechanism for web-based APIs. It's not a new concept at all, but it changed a lot over the years: the technology evolved, new IDLs and frameworks (like protobuf and gRPC) appeared.
Saved on: 2019-04-20

delight-im/PHP-I18N: Internationalization and localization for PHP

Provide your application in multiple languages, to users in various countries, with different formats and conventions. Note: On Windows, you may have to use the non-thread-safe (NTS) version of PHP.
Tags: #php #webdev
Saved on: 2019-03-29

Kubernetes: deploy Laravel the easy way ♦︎ Learnk8s

TL;DR: In this article, you will learn the basics of how to deploy a Laravel application in Kubernetes. Laravel is an excellent framework for developing PHP applications.
Saved on: 2019-03-21

PHP UK Conference videos available

•Posted by1 hour ago
Tags: #php #video
Saved on: 2019-03-20

Introducing Inertia.js

I recently wrote an article explaining how to do full client-side rendering in classic server-side applications. My goal with this approach is to allow developers to build rich client-side apps without all the complexity of building a full-on single-page app with accompanying API.
Saved on: 2019-03-19

PHP book recommendations 2019 : PHP

3 Looking for book recommendations for learning PHP that are up to date62% Upvoted
Tags: #books #php
Saved on: 2019-03-18

Different kinds of service bus: command bus, service bus and query bus.

The last article was all about the command bus, a specific type of service bus. Now, let's take a step back and look at some other service buses. What similarities can we discover and how do they differ. It is surprisingly hard to find an easy explanation of what a service bus is.
Saved on: 2019-03-01

High Volume Tuning PHP FPM on nginx : PHP
Saved on: 2019-02-27

Why I choose Slim Framework for my PHP web development

I’ve always been the kind of developer who wanted to have the maximum control on its application code. Of course I often found myself involved in the same tedious tasks reinventing the wheel.
Saved on: 2019-02-20

Moving away from magic — or: why I don’t want to use Laravel anymore

It is time for a change in the tools that I use. And I’ll tell you why! First of all, I want to make sure that you know about my intentions. I am not trying to rant about Laravel or why other frameworks might be better.
Saved on: 2019-02-20

Why Config Coding Sucks | Tomas Votruba

Rector and static analysis help us to work with code better, but it also helps us spot new weak-points of our PHP code. One of the biggest evils is config coding. How it can hurt you and how get rid of it?
Saved on: 2019-02-19

Keeping (large) data providers organized in PHPUnit - DEV Community ?‍??‍?

When using data providers for you PHPUnit tests, it's easy to get carried away and add loads of different test cases with subtle differences in parameters.
Tags: #php #testing
Saved on: 2019-02-18

Symfony 4 DDD ES CQRS backend boilerplate : PHP

21Posted by8 hours ago
Saved on: 2019-02-18

If you could recommend just one book.. : PHP

Hi everybody, just a small question. If you could recommend one book on PHP, for a junior/intermediate developer, what would it be? And why?
Saved on: 2019-02-13

GraphQLite: GraphQL in PHP made easy

We are pretty thrilled to announce a new GraphQL library for PHP. It is called GraphQLite and is aiming at making exposing a GraphQL API in PHP dead simple. GraphQLite is a PHP library that maps your PHP classes and methods into GraphQL APIs.
Tags: #graphql #php
Saved on: 2019-02-12

Reddit - Dive into anything

Scan this QR code to download the app now Or check it out in the app stores
Saved on: 2019-01-05

The Best PHP Books 2018 and 2017 - PHP Classes

This article is a listing of PHP books that have been released in the last years that are best sellers in sites like Amazon. It was built with the collaboration of the authors that have written them so they can tell you better what the books are about and why they will be useful if you read them.
Tags: #books #php
Saved on: 2019-01-04

Sanitize Your Inputs? | Kevin Smith

I'm often accused of being particularly fussy with regards to language and word choice, especially in technical discussions. It's true, but I'll wear that badge with pride.
Saved on: 2019-01-03

RubixML/RubixML: Rubix ML is a high-level machine learning library that let

GitHub is home to over 28 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.
Saved on: 2018-12-21

PHP Code Performance Explained - Blackfire Continuous Performance Testing
Saved on: 2018-11-27

Laracon AU Videos - Laravel News

Photos and videos from Laracon are now live!
Saved on: 2018-11-20

I don't understand what's wrong with just using cookies for authentication.

I'm writing an app-server and there is an option to just use secure cookies for authentication. Here's how it seems to work: You define a 32-byte secret key on the server When the user logs in, you check the database to see if the bcrypt hashes match, and if so, you call request.
Saved on: 2018-10-21

Another question about the future of PHP vs other, currently trendier thing

I see a lot of questions pertaining to whether PHP can survive the current trend of Node-based JS frameworks. The consensus seems to be that : PHP is there to stay, for a good while at least, and the current trend may or may not last, let's wait and see.
Saved on: 2018-10-02

Configuring PHP-FPM For High Network Traffic - DEV Community ?‍??‍?

Maintaining a constant response time on a server with high network traffic while using PHP is probably the hardest & most annoying thing I've done in my career. Switching from Apache to Nginx was a huge performance upgrade...
Saved on: 2018-09-11

On structuring PHP projects — Nikola Poša - Blog

An indispensable part of every programming project is how you structure it, which involves organizing files and sources into directories, naming conventions, and similar. As your application grows, so does the need for structuring it in way that it is easy to manage and maintain.
Saved on: 2018-08-28

Using traits to compose your Doctrine entities – Titouan Galopin – Medium

I migrated my posts to my own blog because Medium is becoming less and less comfortable for readers (paywalls, impossibility to highlight the code, etc.). To read this article in a nicer and privacy friendly context, read it on my personal blog and follow me on Twitter to get notified!
Tags: #doctrine #php
Saved on: 2018-08-21


Initializes new PHP project with sane defaults using templates. It scaffolds PHP library &/or project to boost your productivity and save time. For already existing project, run with --sync flag to add missing stuffs, see phint init.
Saved on: 2018-08-21

Shorthand comparisons in PHP -

Scout APM helps PHP developers pinpoint N+1 queries, memory leaks & more so you can troubleshoot fast & get back to coding faster. Start your free 14-day trial today. You probably already know some comparison operators in PHP.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2018-08-20

What is your take on defensive programming? How do you normally do it in PH

For me, defensive programming is when someone who hasn't programmed in PHP since v5.2 comes around and says: why is this app done in PHP? We should migrate to Ruby. Then usually a quick chop at the throat ends the conversation. Bad thing is I often have to leave the city and find me a new job.
Tags: #opinions #php
Saved on: 2018-08-07


Create beautiful, versatile ASCII line-charts within Terminal, written in PHP. This will print a simple chart with a single point in default colors.
Tags: #php #to-study
Saved on: 2018-08-06

Developing at Full Speed with Xdebug | Juan Treminio - Dallas based senior

Docker for Mac is very slow. It is so slow that I purchased a new Dell XPS laptop and for the first time in 6 years am now using a non-MacOS (Fedora) machine as my daily driver.
Saved on: 2018-07-30

From Helpers to Middleware [eng] / Marco Pivetta

PHP fwdays'18 conference took place on June 10 in Kyiv. Facebook: Twitter: Telegram:
Tags: #php #video
Saved on: 2018-07-23


Igni storage is minimalistic mapping/hydration framework with support for PDO and MongoDB databases with cross database access. Just pass your query to the driver, you are no longer limited to custom query builders api, or complex setup and hacks to force library to work with your input.
Saved on: 2018-07-17

PHP-FPM: Process Management | Servers for Hackers

Learn how to manage how PHP-FPM creates and uses PHP processes to get the most out of your server.I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 in this video: # See the version used.
Saved on: 2018-06-01

Liskov and type safety -

Scout APM helps PHP developers pinpoint N+1 queries, memory leaks & more so you can troubleshoot fast & get back to coding faster. Start your free 14-day trial today. I've been fascinated by type systems in programming languages for a while now.
Saved on: 2018-05-28

Improved PHP type system in userland

This package is a mere proof of concept about what's possible in PHP's userland to improve type checking. It adds support for type inference, generics, union types, typed lists, tuples and structs. Because all is done in userland, there are limitations on what syntax is possible.
Saved on: 2018-05-25

pwm/s-flow: A lightweight library for defining state machines that supports

S-Flow is a lightweight library for defining finite state machines (FSM). Once defined the machine can be run by giving it a start state and a sequence of events to derive some end state.
Saved on: 2018-05-21

Serverless and PHP: introducing Bref | Matthieu Napoli

Update: Since November 2018 AWS Lambda supports PHP via custom runtimes. The new version of Bref takes advantage of that, you can read more about it at What is described below is now obsolete.
Saved on: 2018-05-17

20 Useful PHP Scripts Available on CodeCanyon

Whether you need to create an email form, add a shopping cart to your eCommerce store, or create a contact form with validation, there's a PHP script that's right for you.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2018-05-07

Why Docker? Creating a multi-container application with docker

If you are just starting to learn docker, one of the common questions that come to mind is what docker is and why one would need it. In this post, I provide basic answers to some of these questions and finally walk you through composing your first multi-container application with docker-compose.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2018-05-06

Watch videos from Laracon US 2017

Day 1 - Freek Van der Herten From Laracon US 2017 Available now! Watch this video!
Saved on: 2018-05-02

PSR-15 middleware, Zend Expressive and versioning – mheap

As it turns out, I mis-remembered what Matthew said in his talk and yesterday’s post with Slim isn’t actually PSR-15 compatible. Slim currently uses function($request, $response, $next) whilst PSR-15 uses function($request, $handler).
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2018-03-26

Functional Programming with PHP Generators – iFixit Engineering – Medium

Generators are cool. They make it easy to write iterators by defining a function instead of building an entire class that implements Iterator. They also make it easy to write lazy lists and infinite streams.
Saved on: 2018-03-19

Make your Laravel App Fly with PHP OPcache – Appstract – Medium

Every time you execute a PHP script, the script needs to be compiled to byte code. OPcache leverages a cache for this bytecode, so the next time the same script is requested, it doesn’t have to recompile it.
Saved on: 2018-03-10

LambdaPHP v0.02

Host your website on Aws Lambda with full PHP 7 support (i.e. pay by requests instead of paying a fixed monthly hosting fee). Now it's possible for you to host dynamic PHP files, static HTML files, css files on AWS Lambda (serverless) just like an Apache server running mod_php.
Tags: #aws #lambda #php
Saved on: 2018-03-09

Responsive images done right

I want to share some thoughts on responsive images. I'll write about a certain mindset which many projects could benefit from: small- and mid-sized web projects that don't need a full blown CDN setup, but would enjoy the performance gain of responsive images.
Saved on: 2018-03-09

The Definitive PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 and HHVM Benchmark (2018)

Each year we try and take a deep dive into performance benchmarks across various platforms and see how different versions of PHP and HHVM stack up against each other.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2018-02-28

The DRY principle misunderstood | Web Technologies

I know what you are thinking: "Again a boring article on DRY? Don't we have enough already?". You might be right. However I see too many developers (junior or senior) applying DRY like they are doing some witch hunting. Totally randomly or everywhere they can.
Saved on: 2018-02-21

Building the ultimate general purpose PHP image for Docker

In this article, I will explain why we decided to build "general purpose" PHP images for Docker, and what you can gain from using one of these images (spoiler alert: it's time). Have a look at thecodingmachine/php. This project contains a set of Docker images containing PHP with:
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2018-02-13

Web Summer Camp 2017

CQRS and Event Sourcing are challenging if approached for the first time, and especially if done from scratch. Marco will help you with installing, configuring, and getting Prooph to run.
Tags: #cqrs #php
Saved on: 2018-01-20

Regaining trust in your test suite with Docker.

Docker, and containerised services in general, have brought a lot to the world of software development. While not everybody is (or ever should be) using docker as their deployment method, it's usefulness far exceeds being just a platform to run services on in production.
Saved on: 2018-01-20

Apache 2.4, the Event MPM, PHP via mod_proxy_fcgi and PHP-FPM – with vhosts

Recently, I’ve spent a huge amount of time working on Apache and PHP-FPM in order to allow for a threaded Apache MPM whilst still using PHP and virtual hosts (vhosts). As this article is going to be rather lengthy, I’m going to split it up into sections below.
Saved on: 2018-01-16

The 2018 Guide to Building Secure PHP Software

As the year 2018 approaches, technologists in general—and web developers in particular—must discard many of their old practices and beliefs about developing secure PHP applications. This is especially true for anyone who does not believe such a feat is even possible.
Tags: #php #security
Saved on: 2017-12-16

Videos: Testing with PhpStorm | PhpStorm Blog

PhpStorm supports all the major PHP testing frameworks: PHPUnit, Codeception, Behat, and PHPSpec. Recently we’ve published a series of short videos about running PHPUnit and Codeception tests in PhpStorm.
Saved on: 2017-11-18

PHP Software Architecture Part 1: MVC – Hacker Noon

Looks like we’re in the ether. Technology breaks sometimes. This is one of those times. Please use our new Contact Form to let us know if there is a issue.
Saved on: 2017-11-09

PHP: Design Patterns

Saved on: 2017-11-02

Docker for any PHP Version | Servers for Hackers

We first started trying out installing Laravel on a machine with PHP 5.5 (Laravel 5.3 requires PHP 5.6+). This gave us an error, as we'd expect. Rather than spin up a whole VM, I chose to try using Docker.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-11-02

PHP-FPM tuning: Using ‘pm static’ for max performance

Let’s take a very quick look at how best to set up PHP-FPM for high throughput, low latency, and more stable use of CPU and memory.
Tags: #php #server
Saved on: 2017-10-10


Docker has quickly become the container engine of choice, and it may be replacing a virtual machine near you soon. This book offers a step-by-step guide to walk you through building your first real PHP web application using Docker while explaining the basics of the platform along the way.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-10-10

How to handle configuration in PHP - Magium - The Selenium-based testing fr

Configuration management hasn’t changed much in PHP for, oh, the last 20 years or so. Basically, all of its life. Configuration file format has changed in that you can use XML, YAML, JSON, or PHP include files. But that is not configuration management.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2017-10-07

How to gradually upgrade toward PHPUnit 6 with namespaced classes

In the latest months I wrote multiple times, in different projects, code migrating PHPUnit toward major version 6. This upgrade is harder than the previous one, since in this version it was introduced a big breaking change: all classes got (finally!) namespaced.
Saved on: 2017-09-12

PHP 7.2 is due in November. What's new? — Martin Hujer blog

I've published the Czech translation of the article on Zdrojá PHP 7.2 is planned to be released on 30th November 2017 (see the timetable). And it comes with two new security features in the core, several smaller improvements and some language legacy clean-ups.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2017-09-08

How to not be annoyed by tests and why they are important — Part 1

Developers tend to not write tests, the code is really hard to test or we simply don’t have time to write tests. For the last 3 years I was always struggling to test our software. These are merely excuses about not writing tests at all.
Tags: #php #tdd
Saved on: 2017-09-08


What is a good configuration pattern? (self.PHP) I guess I'm not the only one relying on a configuration file for parts of my code. I'm wondering what the best approach is to make sure the right classes end up with the right configuration parameters.
Saved on: 2017-08-29

Docker - Getting Started. Why it's useful. How to customize. Common pitfall

So I noticed there seems to be interest in Docker development environments in this subreddit. While I'm far from an expert, I've been learning how to use Docker recently, and thought I'd share a few tidbits from what I've learned with you all.
Tags: #docker #php
Saved on: 2017-08-29

CRUDlex 0.12.0 Released : PHP

Yesterday, I released CRUDlex 0.12.0. :) CRUDlex is an easy to use, well documented and tested CRUD generator for Silex. It is very useful to generate admin pages for example.
Tags: #php #tools
Saved on: 2017-08-24

Laracon 2017 – A Recap (And Links Galore) – Koomai – Medium

I attended my first Laracon in person and I have to say I really enjoyed the experience — maybe more than I expected to. It was well organised and the talks were diverse, informative and actionable. Day 1 was all technical and mostly revolved around Laravel.
Saved on: 2017-07-28

Handling Incoming Webhooks in PHP | LornaJane

An increasing number of applications now offer webhooks as an integration, often in addition to an API. The classic example, familiar to most developers, is the GitHub webhooks which can notify your other systems such as CI tooling that a new commit has been added to a branch.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2017-07-25

Your best dev stack

So I've been doing normal local PHP development with some frameworks like slim and laravel. Also installed and runt basic Lamp and lemp stacks on multiple vps.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2017-07-22

TheCodingMachine Best practices

Why this website? At TheCodingMachine we write code. We read code too... a lot. This is because we use GIT and "pull-requests". For each project, the code has to be reviewed by someone before being pushed to the main branch. Very often, code reviewers are making the same comments, over and over.
Saved on: 2017-07-04