Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #postgres.
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Postgres Full-Text Search: A Search Engine in a Database

Early in on my SQL journey, I thought that searching for a piece of text in the database mostly involved querying like this: SELECT col FROM table WHERE col LIKE '%some_value%'; Then I would throw in some wildcard operators or regular expressions if I wanted to get more specific.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2021-07-28

Saved on: 2020-08-03

Some SQL Tricks of an Application DBA

When I started my career in development, my first job was a DBA. Back then, before AWS RDS, Azure, Google Cloud and the rest of them cloud services, there were two types of DBAs:
Saved on: 2020-07-29

Lessons learned scaling PostgreSQL database to 1.2bn records/month

This isn’t my first rodeo with large datasets. The authentication and product management database that I have designed for the largest UK public Wi-Fi provider had impressive volumes too. We were tracking authentication for millions of devices daily.
Saved on: 2019-10-16

Migres - The PostgreSQL migration tool : PHP

I just released the first alpha version of a tool I have been working on. It's a framework agnostic migration tool for PostgreSQL.
Saved on: 2019-07-31

Why should you learn PostgreSQL?

This is big. Huge really because it's the core piece of functionality that allows the rest of the functionality you're going to hear about. PostgreSQL does multi-index queries.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2017-08-16

Postgres Guide

We here are very big fans of Postgres as a database and believe it is often the best database for the job. For many though, working with and maintaining Postgres involves a steep learning curve.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2015-08-03

PostgreSQL vs. MS SQL Server

Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2015-04-30

Goodbye MongoDB, Hello PostgreSQL

Olery was founded almost 5 years ago. What started out as a single product (Olery Reputation) developed by a Ruby development agency grew into a set of different products and many different applications as the years passed.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2015-03-11

Embracing SQL In Postgres — Rob Conery

One thing that drives me absolutely over the cliff is how ORMs try so hard (and fail) to abstract the power and expressiveness of SQL. Before I write further let me say that Frans Bouma reminded me yesterday there’s a difference between ORMs and the people that use them.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2015-02-26

Modern SQL in PostgreSQL

Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2015-02-09

Postgres full-text search is Good Enough!

When you have to build a web application, you are often asked to add search. The magnifying glass is something that we now add to wireframes without even knowing what we are going to search.
Tags: #postgres
Saved on: 2014-12-08