Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #lambda.
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Building a serverless GIF generator with AWS Lambda: Part 1 | AWS Compute B

Many video streaming services show GIF animations in the frontend when users fast forward and rewind throughout a video. This helps customers see a preview and makes the user interface more intuitive.
Saved on: 2021-08-31

A monorepo approach to larger modules in Laravel and Lambda

I work with a large enterprise application that's broken down into a few teams, languages and modules.
Saved on: 2021-03-01

AWS Lambda is making it a flash to creating an API endpoint. But that's just the infrastructure part. It doesn't mean your business logic can be simplified. Middleware is for decoupling logic. I learned the value of beforeHooks and afterHooks after adopting Feathers.JS.
Saved on: 2020-02-16

Jerry Hargrove | AWS Lambda

Tags: #lambda #aws
Saved on: 2018-12-28

Building a YouTube MP3 Downloader with Exodus, FFmpeg, and AWS Lambda

Let’s focus on the easy part first: what we’ll be building in this tutorial. The end result will be a browser bookmarklet which can be used to convert YouTube videos to MP3s and download them.
Tags: #lambda #guide
Saved on: 2018-05-27

Serverless-Side Rendering With AWS Lambda & NuxtJS

One day, I was discussing with some folks in the office about Serverless and Lambdas in general, how to make a lambda, how to use the Serverless framework, create your own REST API, etc. This Serverless plugin automates the process of adding binary files support in API Gateway.
Saved on: 2018-05-02

Build a serverless multi-region, active-active backend solution in an hour

This solution is built using DynamoDB Global Tables, AWS Lambda, regional API Gateway, and Route53 routing policies. Learn more! In the previous posts, we explored availability and reliability and the needs and means of building a multi-region, active-active architecture on AWS.
Saved on: 2018-04-27

Catchpoint Invests to Advance API, Cloud Functions, and Microservices Monitoring

– Catchpoint®, The Internet Resilience Company™, today announced the acquisition of the assets of Thundra.
Saved on: 2018-03-24


Host your website on Aws Lambda with full PHP 7 support (i.e. pay by requests instead of paying a fixed monthly hosting fee). Now it's possible for you to host dynamic PHP files, static HTML files, css files on AWS Lambda (serverless) just like an Apache server running mod_php.
Tags: #php #lambda #aws
Saved on: 2018-03-09

Google Flutter with AWS Lambda to build a serverless mobile app for movie listings

Google recently announced the beta release of Flutter at Mobile World Congress 2018. Flutter is new open-source mobile UI framework that’s used to build native apps for both iOS and Android.
Saved on: 2018-03-07

Mar 01 2018 How we built for less than $1 a month on AWS

Hamilton the musical is hot. Really hot. With crazy high ticket prices, finding the best deal should be easy, especially if you live in New York City, Chicago, or a city on the US Tour. You just go to a major ticket resale site, and search across all the dates you are able to attend and... wait...
Saved on: 2018-03-02

TDD for AWS Lambda with Serverless framework and Jest

The serverless framework makes it easy to develop and deploy cloud functions.
Saved on: 2018-01-26

Project moved to Versions after 0.52.0 are published from there. Thank you Rich Jones for all your work on creating Zappa and maintaining it for years!
Saved on: 2017-04-19