Bookmarks tagged with #server.
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Tuning dynamic php-fpm settings - Chris Morrell | Chris Morrell
This is as much a note to self than anything else. Each time I need to change my php-fpm settings, I need to Google “php-fpm dynamic tuning” or something similar. With a little luck, next time I Google it, I'll find this page :)
on: 2020-02-16
Low-Cost VPS Testing
Last time around I was looking for a large dedicated VPS in the $100/month price range. Since then I have started deploying a lot more tiny cloud instances that cost less than $10/month to run just one or two apps.
on: 2019-12-07
How to Use Ansible: An Ansible Cheat Sheet Guide | DigitalOcean
Ansible is a modern configuration management tool that facilitates the task of setting up and maintaining remote servers. This cheat sheet-style guide provides a quick reference to commands and practices commonly used when working with Ansible.
on: 2019-06-07
Building a stateless API proxy
Web APIs are lots of fun. However, things can get tricky when it comes to granting other applications access to your data on a specific service. I ran into this trickiness with the GitHub API. In Google Cloud we have client libraries for about 40 products across 8 programming languages.
on: 2019-05-30
Working on improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth? We'd like to help.
on: 2019-01-31
Install Magento2 on AWS EC2 with Redis, varnish and Nginx as SSL Terminator
on: 2018-10-07
Configuring PHP-FPM For High Network Traffic - DEV Community ????
Maintaining a constant response time on a server with high network traffic while using PHP is probably the hardest & most annoying thing I've done in my career. Switching from Apache to Nginx was a huge performance upgrade...
on: 2018-09-11
The headers we don't want
HTTP headers are an important way of controlling how caches and browsers process your web content. But many are used incorrectly or pointlessly, which adds overhead at a critical time in the loading of your page, and may not work as you intended.
on: 2018-05-16
Apache 2.4, the Event MPM, PHP via mod_proxy_fcgi and PHP-FPM – with vhosts
Recently, I’ve spent a huge amount of time working on Apache and PHP-FPM in order to allow for a threaded Apache MPM whilst still using PHP and virtual hosts (vhosts). As this article is going to be rather lengthy, I’m going to split it up into sections below.
on: 2018-01-16
Monitor server with CollectD, InfluxDB and Grafana - Nguyen Sy Thanh Son
on: 2017-12-06
PHP-FPM tuning: Using ‘pm static’ for max performance
Let’s take a very quick look at how best to set up PHP-FPM for high throughput, low latency, and more stable CPU and memory use.
on: 2017-10-10
HTTP/2 is not future. It’s present. | Blog Eleven Labs
Remember, in may 1996, the very first HTTP protocol version (HTTP/1.0) was born. This protocol is described as a RFC 1945. But time as passed and web applications has evolved a lot.
on: 2017-04-12
A Comprehensive Guide To HTTP/2 Server Push
19 min read Guides, CSS, JavaScript, Backend, HTTPS Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Start with $100 Credits! Try monday dev for free! Click here to kickstart your project for free in a matter of minutes.
on: 2017-04-11
Bash scripting quirks & safety tips - Julia Evans
Yesterday I was talking to some friends about Bash and I realized that, even though I’ve been using Bash for more than 10 years now there are still a few basic quirks about it that are not totally obvious to me. So as usual I thought I’d write a blog post.
on: 2017-03-30 - match command-line arguments to their help text
on: 2017-03-30
10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring
Using sar you can monitor performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, Memory, I/O..) in real time. Using sar, you can also collect all performance data on an on-going basis, store them, and do historical analysis to identify bottlenecks. Sar is part of the sysstat package.
on: 2017-01-03
Twagios 2.0 – Nagios notifications revisited – EdVoncken.NET
In a previous blog post, I described how to use Twitter for Nagios notifications – dubbing it “Twagios”. A couple of months later, Twitter stopped supporting basic authentication (username/password). This meant that the old (simple) way of sending notifications stopped working.
on: 2017-01-02
How to Install Icinga 2 and Icinga Web 2 on Ubuntu 16.04 -
on: 2016-12-21
Monitoring Processes with Supervisord - Servers for Hackers
As some point you'll likely find yourself writing a script which needs to run all the time - a "long running script". These are scripts that shouldn't fail if there's an error, or ones that should restart when the system reboots. To accomplish this, we need something to watch these scripts.
on: 2016-11-17
An analysis of Facebook photo caching
Every day people upload more than 350 million photos to Facebook (as of Dec 2012) and view many more in their News Feeds and on their friends’ Timelines. Facebook stores these photos on Haystack machines that are optimized to store photos.
on: 2014-05-04
Introducing the new PHP on Heroku
PHP developers are makers at heart. The core strength of PHP has always been in creating a tight feedback cycle between developers and their audiences. That strength is the reason why PHP powers so many of the world’s biggest and best web properties such as Facebook and Etsy.
on: 2014-04-29
SSH Kung Fu
OpenSSH is an incredible tool. Though primarily relied upon as a secure alternative to plaintext remote tools like telnet or rsh, OpenSSH (hereafter referred to as plain old ssh) has become a swiss army knife of functionality for far more than just remote logins.
on: 2014-04-29
Google Cloud DNS - Google Cloud DNS — Google Developers
Publish your domain names by using Google's infrastructure for production-quality, high-volume DNS services. Google's global network of anycast name servers provides reliable, low-latency, authoritative name lookups for your domains from anywhere in the world. Learn more
on: 2014-04-29
Amazon Web Services Blog: AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Docker
AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy for you to deploy and manage applications in the AWS cloud. After you upload your application, Elastic Beanstalk will provision, monitor, and scale capacity (Amazon EC2 instances), while also load balancing incoming requests across all of the healthy instances.
on: 2014-04-24