Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #machine-learning.
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GPT3 Empowered Recommendation System | by Cheng He | The Startup | Sep, 202

Recommendation systems are so successful in many products and services we interact with every day. Like 40% of app installs on Google Play and 60% of watch time on YouTube comes from recommendations. Not even to mention the well-known TikTok’s recommendation system.
Saved on: 2020-09-09

RubixML/RubixML: Rubix ML is a high-level machine learning library that let

Read the latest docs here. Rubix ML is a free open-source machine learning (ML) library that allows you to build programs that learn from your data using the PHP language.
Saved on: 2018-12-21

Making 1M Click Predictions per Second using AWS - AdRoll

Click prediction may be a simple binary classification problem, but it requires a robust system architecture to function in production at scale. At AdRoll, we leverage the AWS ecosystem along with a suite of third party tools to build the predictors that power our pricing engine, BidIQ.
Saved on: 2018-04-27

Machine Learning Crash Course  |  Google Developers

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Saved on: 2018-03-01

Patrick Winston Explains Deep Learning – Rodney Brooks

Patrick Winston is one of the greatest teachers at M.I.T., and for 27 years was Director of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (which later became part of CSAIL). Patrick teaches 6.034, the undergraduate introduction to AI at M.I.T. and a recent set of his lectures is available as videos.
Saved on: 2017-04-18

Announcing AudioSet: A Dataset for Audio Event Research

Systems able to recognize sounds familiar to human listeners have a wide range of applications, from adding sound effect information to automatic video captions, to potentially allowing you to search videos for specific audio events.
Saved on: 2017-04-03

Welcome to the New AWS AI Blog! | AWS AI Blog

If you ask 100 people for the definition of “artificial intelligence,” you’ll get at least 100 answers, if not more.
Saved on: 2017-02-21