Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #doctrine.
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My problems with Doctrine : PHP

Saved on: 2019-04-26

Using traits to compose your Doctrine entities – Titouan Galopin – Medium

I migrated my posts to my own blog because Medium is becoming less and less comfortable for readers (paywalls, impossibility to highlight the code, etc.). To read this article in a nicer and privacy friendly context, read it on my personal blog and follow me on Twitter to get notified!
Tags: #php #doctrine
Saved on: 2018-08-21


MyCLabs ACL is a library that helps managing permissions on your model. It is different from other ACL libraries in that it focuses on controlling access to your model classes (Doctrine entities).
Saved on: 2014-04-30

Pursuing Domain-Driven Design practices in PHP

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Tags: #php #doctrine
Saved on: 2014-04-28

6. Association Mapping — Doctrine 2 ORM 2 documentation

This chapter explains mapping associations between objects. Instead of working with foreign keys in your code, you will always work with references to objects instead and Doctrine will convert those references to foreign keys internally.
Tags: #php #doctrine
Saved on: 2014-04-27

Doctrine 2 ORM Tutorial

Saved on: 2014-04-27