Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev

React Authentication: How to Store JWT in a Cookie | by Ryan Chenkie | Medi

If that’s the case, there’s a decent chance that your API is secured somehow. Maybe you’re making authentication and authorization happen with JSON Web Tokens. If so, there’s also a decent chance you’re keeping your JWTs in local storage.
Saved on: 2021-01-22

How We Improved SmashingMag Performance — Smashing Magazine

Vitaly Friedman 33 min read Smashing, Optimization, Performance, Case Studies, Core Web Vitals Share on Twitter, LinkedIn In this article, we’ll take a close look at some of the changes we made on this very site — running on JAMStack with React — to optimize the web performance and improve the
Saved on: 2021-01-22

MuscleWiki - Simplify your workout

MuscleWiki is a fitness app with a comprehensive exercise library that includes videos and written instructions for over 2000 exercises. With a simple and intuitive bodymap that guides you to exercises for a particular muscle, you can simplify your workout with exercises suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced fitness enthusiasts.
Tags: #health
Saved on: 2021-01-21

Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021

Sara Soueidan said: Maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021 by @cramforce Loads of great #performance tips in there, some I didn’t know of before (like the `decoding` attribute 😯) Thread Sebastien Lorber 🇫🇷 said: TIL there's a "decoding" attr in html image in this post fro
Saved on: 2021-01-20

Templates made in Shuffle

An online editor for busy developers. © 2024 Shuffle. All rights reserved.
Saved on: 2021-01-19

Context switching costs more than we give it credit for. - Thinking Through

When I was a junior engineer, one of the best advice I got from a seasoned principal engineer was to batch things, stack rank them in preferred order (by time, size, impact, or priority), and execute. And, be careful when batching them.
Saved on: 2021-01-18


Saved on: 2021-01-18

Death of third party cookies: Enter sandbox from Google

Cookies are soon to be a thing of the past; Google wants to play in the Sandbox instead. It might sound rather twee, but this marks a seismic shift in the online ecosystem that will affect us all.
Tags: #privacy
Saved on: 2021-01-18

Gitbar - Il podcast dei developer italiani

Conversazioni sullo sviluppo software fatte davanti a una birra.
Saved on: 2021-01-15

It’s not legacy code — it’s PHP. Vimeo has been using PHP in production… |

In the last year, Vimeo developers have written backend code in lots of languages — PHP, Go, Ruby, Python, NodeJS, Java, C, C++, and a bit of Rust. In 2004, we started with just one: PHP. It was an ideal language for brand-new startups like Vimeo.
Saved on: 2021-01-15

Vite 2, a DX jump into the future | patak

Vite is a next generation frontend tool. It generates optimized builds using the battle tested rollup. But during dev, bundling is avoided with files served on demand over native ESM. It has Hot Module Replacement (HMR) that stays fast independently of your code base size.
Tags: #frontend
Saved on: 2021-01-15

Archivio Grafica Italiana

The first systematic digital archive dedicated to the Italian graphic design heritage. A growing overview aimed to spread and promote the culture of quality that distinguishes the Italian design tradition.
Tags: #design #art
Saved on: 2021-01-13

Tools for better programming

Recently I discovered these tools that have helped me to control the quality of my code. + +
Saved on: 2021-01-13

Build Your Own Text Editor

Welcome! This is an instruction booklet that shows you how to build a text editor in C. The text editor is antirez’s kilo, with some changes.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2021-01-10

You want overflow: auto, not overflow: scroll | Kilian Valkhof

Every now and then a web developer using a Mac discovers that their beautiful design is littered with scroll bars on other platforms. Either because someone points it out to them or because they attach a mouse to their mac which makes scroll bars appear.
Tags: #webdev #css
Saved on: 2021-01-07

BTI360 | What I've Learned in 45 Years in the Software Industry

Looking back on four decades in the software industry, I’m struck by how much has changed. I started my career with punch cards and I am ending in the era of cloud computing.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2021-01-06

新しく、スタジオジブリ5作品の場面写真を追加提供致します - スタジオジブリ|STUDIO GHIBLI

新しく、スタジオジブリ5作品の場面写真を追加提供致します。 スタジオジブリ作品の場面写真ですが、今月は、「風の谷のナウシカ」「天空の城ラピュタ」「おもひでぽろぽろ」「レッドタートル」から50枚ずつ、「On Your Mark」から28枚、合計228枚を本日から提供致します。 なお、9月から順次追加
Tags: #art
Saved on: 2021-01-06

Why your team doesn't need to use pull requests

Github introduced the pull request practice, and features to support it, to make it easier for people who run open-source projects to accept contributions from outside their group of trusted committers. Committers are trusted to make changes to the codebase routinely.
Saved on: 2021-01-03

How we boosted our traffic by 504.17% with a SEO-Friendly Web Story

Google Web Stories are a web-based version of the famous “Stories” format that we see on social networking apps like Instagram and TikTok. This new format allows anyone to easily create short, engaging, and dynamic content, which is then playable across any browser on the Open Web.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2021-01-03

A half-hour to learn Rust

In order to increase fluency in a programming language, one has to read a lot of it. But how can you read a lot of it if you don't know what it means?
Saved on: 2021-01-02

Modernizing PHP » Blog

How many times have we seen it, where an application does HR, payroll, shipping, billing, makes coffee, sweeps the floors, etc.? Too many times to count for me. The truth is that applications like this, these monoliths, are too large for their own good.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-12-28

Interview advice that got me offers from Google, Microsoft, and Stripe

“What would you say if I asked you to design me a service capable of responding to thousands of user requests every second and latency was critical?” “Umm...that you have to solve this problem at work.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2020-12-24

Fantasy UIs

LATEST Noah Schloss Star Trek: Picard, Westworld • April 2023 Noah Schloss Star Trek: Picard, Westworld Darby Faccinto Loki, Black Adam Mark Coleran The Island, Mr.
Tags: #design
Saved on: 2020-12-24

How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most needs — Martian Chronicles,

It’s time to rethink how we cook a set of favicons for modern browsers and stop the icon generator madness. Frontend developers currently have to deal with 20+ static PNG files just to display a tiny website logo in a browser tab or on a touchscreen.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-12-23

Bare-metal Kubernetes with K3s

Learn how to configure K3s on bare-metal to run a Kubernetes cluster with just as much resilience and fault tolerance as a managed service. This tutorial is a follow-on from my post Kubernetes on bare-metal in 10 minutes from 2017.
Tags: #k8s
Saved on: 2020-12-22

Live Coding 12-Factor App

Jiang: I'm Emily Jiang. I work for IBM. Actually, I'm based in IBM, UK down in Hursley. I'm the Senior Technical Staff member in IBM. I mainly work on open-source projects, MicroProfile, Open Liberty as an Architect.
Saved on: 2020-12-20

7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI – Part 2 (Updated for 2020) – Learn UI Des

This is the second part in a two-part series. You should read the first part first. We’re talking about rules for designing clean and simple UI without needing to attend art school in order to do so.
Saved on: 2020-12-18

Refactoring Am I Rent Stabilized

Revisiting the code of a five year old project.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-12-14

A system to organise your life

Johnny.Decimal is designed to help you find things quickly, with more confidence, and less stress. You assign a unique ID to everything in your life.
Saved on: 2020-12-14

Suspenders for trousers - YouTube

Una breve colonna sonora che racchiude pezzi e bands che in questo anno di pandemia mi hanno fatto crescere il desiderio di andare a vedere concerti e di far...
Tags: #music
Saved on: 2020-12-10

GitHub repositories to improve your programming skills - DEV

1. Free Programming Books Freely available programming books 167k ⭐ Repo: 2. Awesome Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics 148k ⭐ Repo: 3.
Tags: #learning
Saved on: 2020-12-10

Lessons from Running a Sale that Earned 3 Month's Profit in a Week | Cory Z

My product Pegasus—a Django boilerplate for SaaS applications—was having its worst sales slump in recent history. Meanwhile, my other product, Place Card Me—an online place card maker—continued to be hit hard by the pandemic, with sales down almost $10,000 from 2019.
Tags: #sales
Saved on: 2020-12-10

Building a Scalable E-Commerce Data Model

If selling products online is a core part of your business, then you need to build an e-commerce data model that’s scalable, flexible, and fast. Most off-the-shelf providers like Shopify and BigCommerce are built for small stores selling a few million dollars in orders per month.
Saved on: 2020-12-09

The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

We want to make this open-source project available for people all around the world. Help to translate the content of this tutorial to your language!
Saved on: 2020-12-08

CSS-Only Full-Width Responsive Images 2 Ways | Modern CSS Solutions

In the not to distant past when jQuery was King of the Mountain and CSS3 was still worth being designated as such, the most popular tool for responsive background images was the Backstretch jQuery plugin. According to caniuse.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2020-12-07

AWS re:Invent 2020 digest — Part 1 | by Adrian Hornsby | Dec, 2020 | Medium

While reInvent just started, the first keynote from Andy Jassy has had a lot of new launches. I know that digesting all the updates takes time and a lot of coffee, so let me help you.
Tags: #aws
Saved on: 2020-12-03

10 Must-Read Books for Software Engineers - DEV

Besides all the great offerings of the modern world — podcasts, videos, blogs, etc. — reading a good book is still something many people don’t want to miss.
Tags: #books
Saved on: 2020-12-02

An alternative way to organize the Laravel directory structure // Stefan Ba

In this article, I would like to show you an alternative way to organize your Laravel directory structure. I think the default structure is fine for the most projects. But when it comes down to larger projects I was looking for a different structure.
Saved on: 2020-12-02

The HTML Presentation Framework

reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free. Presentations made with reveal.js are built on open web technologies.
Saved on: 2020-11-28

CloudConf 2020 Live Streaming

Saved on: 2020-11-27

I created my own YouTube algorithm (to stop me wasting time)

I love watching YouTube videos that improve my life in some tangible way. Unfortunately, the YouTube algorithm doesn’t agree. It likes to feed me clickbait and other garbage. This isn’t all that surprising. The algorithm prioritises clicks and watch time.
Tags: #videos
Saved on: 2020-11-24

Building Your Color Palette

Ever used one of those fancy color palette generators? You know, the ones where you pick a starting color, tweak some options that probably include some musical jargon like "triad" or "major fourth", and are then bestowed the five perfect color swatches you should use to build your website?
Tags: #webdesign
Saved on: 2020-11-23

Elena Ferrante names her 40 favourite books by female authors | Elena Ferra

Elena Ferrante, the bestselling pseudonymous Italian author behind My Brilliant Friend, has named her favourite 40 books by female authors around the world, with Toni Morrison, Sally Rooney and Zadie Smith all making the cut.
Tags: #books
Saved on: 2020-11-21

The Value-Effort Matrix: A framework for thinking about work

Your product owner comes to you with a request, and suddenly your stomach is tied in knots. There’s something about the request that doesn’t sit right. You blurt out, “well, that’s a lot of work,” because it’s the only thing that comes to mind.
Saved on: 2020-11-19

Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys – A Few Thoughts on Cryptog

The Internet is a dangerous place in the best of times. Sometimes Internet engineers find ways to mitigate the worst of these threats, and sometimes they fail. Every now and then, however, a major Internet company finds a solution that actually makes the situation worse for just about everyone.
Tags: #security
Saved on: 2020-11-17

Testing Spaghetti - Nomad PHP

Tags: #tdd #php
Saved on: 2020-11-12

Polypane, the perfect browser for web developers and designers

For developers, designers, QA and marketers looking to improve their workflow. Fix stability issues and update the rendering engine to Chromium 128.
Tags: #webdev #tools
Saved on: 2020-11-12

How Go helped save

Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells us the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the website.
Saved on: 2020-11-10

Getting Started with Dotfiles | Dries Vints

Let's draw a situation. Your computer breaks down. And I don't mean the classic "Dammit, my computer broke down, better get it fixed". No, I mean the "Oh shit, my HD is totally fried, I lost everything and there's no way on earth I'll ever get it back"-hell.
Saved on: 2020-11-09

Lights, Camera, Action! My Tech Setup For Recording Courses & Podcasts — Co

Koin50 merupakan link situs VIP provider pg soft toto scatter hitam menggunakan slot server akun pro jepang resmi dan Koin50 juga salah satu bandar pasaran toto togel 4d terlengkap.
Tags: #gear
Saved on: 2020-11-06

Website Ranking Tips - On-Demand Webinar - Moz

Listen in and learn from the experts as Cyrus Shepard and John Mueller discuss SEO and how digital marketers and site owners can increase their chances of landing at the top of the SERPs.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2020-11-06

PHP Internals News podcast :: Short Functions

Derick Rethans 0:15 Hi, I'm Derick, and this is PHP internals news, a weekly podcast dedicated to demystifying the development of the PHP language. Derick Rethans 0:24 Hello, this is Episode 69. Today I'm talking with Larry Garfield, about an RFC that he's just announced called short functions.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-11-06

Voice Driven Development by Emily Shea – Deconstruct

(Editor's note: transcripts don't do talks justice.
Saved on: 2020-11-05

Site-Speed Topography – CSS Wizardry – Web Performance Optimisation

N.B. On 6 June, 2023, I published an updated version of this article. I would encourage you to read after this. A couple of years ago, my first few days on a new web performance project were always slow going.
Saved on: 2020-11-04

CMU 17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering - CMU 17-313: Foundations of Software Engineering

Skip to content 17-313 Foundations of Software Engineering¶ This Week¶ Recitation None! Office Hours Held on the first floor lobby of TCS.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-10-31

Ruby on Rails in a Week

Preface (Note: this post builds off of my previous post, Learning to Learn, and references it a few times—however, this post should still make sense if you missed the first one. Also, this is not a tutorial, but rather a log of my experience learning Ruby on Rails.
Tags: #learning
Saved on: 2020-10-30

How Stopping Estimations Helped a Team to Become More Predictable

When making estimations using story points didn’t feel helpful, a team decided to experiment with #NoEstimates. Breaking down stories into smaller tasks gives them insight into their velocity and has made them more predictable.
Saved on: 2020-10-29

Union types - What's new in PHP 8

A union type accepts values of multiple different types, rather than a single one. Learn how they work in PHP 8.
Tags: #video #php
Saved on: 2020-10-29

Object Oriented Done Right

Alan Kay, the inventor of the term “object-oriented programming”, told a story once during a talk more than 20 years ago. You can build a dog house using only a hammer, nails, planks, and just a little bit of skill. I figure even I would be able to build it given enough time.
Tags: #php #oop
Saved on: 2020-10-29

If not SPAs, What?

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how the SPA pattern has failed to simplify web development. The SPA pattern (Single-Page Apps), I tried to define, was about the React model, which also covers, to a large extent, the model of Vue, Angular, and other frontend frameworks.
Saved on: 2020-10-29

Unconventional Autoloaders (Talk) - Liam Hammett

We use autoloaders in PHP all the time, but if you change your mindset a little, you’ll find they can do a lot more than you might’ve thought.
Tags: #video #php
Saved on: 2020-10-28

PHP 8 - try out all new features - Marcel Pociot's blog about Laravel, PHP

PHP 8 is already in it's release candidate stage, with RC 3 being released on October 29th, and the general availability release targeted for November 26th. So it is time to take a look at all the new and upcoming features of PHP 8. You can take a look at PHP 8's release schedule here.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-10-27

Maya Shavin: How I Built My Website

Besides working as a senior front-end developer at Cloudinary, I’m also a content creator, a blogger, and an open-source developer. Follow me at @mayashavin and on In the beginning, my website, mayashavin.
Saved on: 2020-10-27

Web scraping with JS | Analog Forest ?

If you’ll try to google “web scraping tutorial” you’ll get a bunch of tech articles on the subject that tells you how to achieve the result using python.
Tags: #javascript
Saved on: 2020-10-26

An Intuition for Lisp Syntax

Every lisp hacker I ever met, myself included, thought that all those brackets in Lisp were off-putting and weird. At first, of course. Soon after we all came to the same epiphany: lisp’s power lies in those brackets! In this essay, we’ll go on a journey to that epiphany.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-10-26

A Beginner's Guide To Freelancing — Ladybug Podcast

AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services that enables developers to build full-stack serverless and cloud-based web and mobile apps using their framework or technology of choice on the front end.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2020-10-26

Pattern Matching in JavaScript | Kyle Shevlin

Today, I want to share with you a coding pattern I frequently use when writing conditional JavaScript. I’ve made several tweets about it throughout the years and it’s high time that I finally write a blog post that I can use as a reference.
Tags: #javascript
Saved on: 2020-10-25

(5) C Course (The Basics) - YouTube

Learn C++ by building a crossword construction program from scratch. Free and fun! 12 hours of video instruction plus exercises. See
Saved on: 2020-10-23

Automated testing: a step back

The goal of this article is to define basic concepts related to testing, trying not to take anything for granted. Why is it important to write automated tests? I asked myself and I did some research because the answer to this question was not obvious to me.
Tags: #testing
Saved on: 2020-10-23

Casting JSON Columns to Value Objects with Laravel – Jess Archer

Have you ever wanted to access an attribute of an Eloquent model as a value object, similar to how Eloquent lets us work with dates via Carbon? Most value objects have multiple attributes. That's part of what separates them from primitive types like strings and integers.
Saved on: 2020-10-23

Learn Vue 3 in this Introduction to Vue.js Course by Core Vue Team Member,

Get started quickly with the Vue.js JavaScript framework. You’ll learn how to build reusable components and make them flexible with props, lifecycles, and slots. Use directives to build functionality with markup and learn to make your own custom directives.
Tags: #vuejs
Saved on: 2020-10-22

Managing technical quality in a codebase.

If there’s one thing that engineers, engineering managers, and technology executives are likely to agree on, it’s that there’s a crisis of technical quality.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-10-22

Readable Laravel | Spatie

VacanciesAboutBlogDocsGuidelines Kruikstraat 22, Box 12 2018 Antwerp, Belgium info@spatie.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-10-21

Page Redirection

Tags: #performance
Saved on: 2020-10-19

A Nerd's Guide to Color on the Web | CSS-Tricks

DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit! There are a lot of ways to work with color on the web. I think it’s helpful to understand the mechanics behind what you’re using, and color is no exception.
Saved on: 2020-10-13

ORMless; a Memento-like pattern for object persistence — Matthias Noback -

Something that always bothers me: persistence (the user interface too, but that's a different topic ;)). Having objects in memory is nice, but when the application shuts down (and for PHP this is after every request-response cycle), you have to persist them somehow.
Saved on: 2020-10-13


Discover the best in Classical & Modern Art Browse the collection by category Dive into book illustrations Check out works by popular artists Browse More Artworks William James Glackens (American, 1870 - 1938) Landscape Franz Skarbina (German, 1849-1910) Figurative Julius Kronberg (Swedish, 1850-192
Tags: #art
Saved on: 2020-10-11

How to run over 30k tests in under 5 minutes | by Daan van Marsbergen | Sep

When I started my professional career I had no idea what a unit test looked like. I think I skipped that part on W3Schools. It didn’t matter, because my first employer was not using tests.
Tags: #testing #php
Saved on: 2020-10-09

Step-debugging linked composer dependencies with PhpStorm – Rob Allen's Dev

One project I’m working on has multiple separate parts in different git repositories that are brought into the main project using linked composer directories. I needed to get step debugging working in PhpStorm and this is the approach I took.
Tags: #phpstorm #php
Saved on: 2020-10-08

Italiano - HTTP/3 explained

Lo slancio per scrivere questo libro è partito in Marzo 2018. Il piano consiste nel documentare HTTP/3 e il protocollo sottostante, ossia QUIC. Perché sono stati concepiti, come funzionano, dettagli sul protocollo, implementazioni, etc.
Saved on: 2020-10-08

Explore product reviews by category

Are you tired of wading through bad Google results and fake reviews? Researching products is time-consuming and frustrating. We gather reviews from the most trusted sources, filter out the fake ones, and summarize the findings so you can make more informed purchase decisions.
Saved on: 2020-10-08

How to remember what you learn

The book I held in my hands was full of highlights. It seemed like I’ve got all colors of the rainbow on a page. Apparently, this didn’t help. When I tried recalling ideas from the book, I didn’t hear a thing. Just. Silence. Terrified, I started questioning how much I really know.
Tags: #learning
Saved on: 2020-10-07

Monolith -> Services: Theory & Practice

How can we get from a monolith to micro-services quickly? Can’t answer that question. First, “quickly” is right out the window. You didn’t make this mess in a month; you’re not going to fix it in a month.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-10-07

Writing Effective PHP - Forum PHP 2019 - Afup - Association française des u

PHP has evolved massively since its first days, and it's on the road to a full-featured language. However, at the same time, there is a lot of outdated information and libraries with poorly written code. This talk is about writing PHP Code that is: safe, robust, and maintainable.
Tags: #video #php
Saved on: 2020-10-06

CSS Grid full-bleed layout tutorial · Josh W Comeau

Back in the day, there was a gold-standard website layout that everyone strived to create, but that was notoriously difficult to get right: the .
Tags: #css-grid #css
Saved on: 2020-10-06