Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #privacy.
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(1) Robert G. Reeve su Twitter: "I'm back from a week at my mom's house and

I'm back from a week at my mom's house and now I'm getting ads for her toothpaste brand, the brand I've been putting in my mouth for a week. We never talked about this brand or googled it or anything like that. As a privacy tech worker, let me explain why this is happening.
Saved on: 2021-05-31

Death of third party cookies: Enter sandbox from Google

Cookies are soon to be a thing of the past; Google wants to play in the Sandbox instead. It might sound rather twee, but this marks a seismic shift in the online ecosystem that will affect us all.
Tags: #privacy
Saved on: 2021-01-18

The Data Detox Kit: Learn the Essentials

The Data Detox Kit requires javascript and supports newer versions of Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Please enable javascript in your browser and refresh this page. Still having issues? Try Firefox.
Tags: #privacy
Saved on: 2020-01-06

How GDPR Will Change The Way You Develop — Smashing Magazine

Heather Burns 18 min read Privacy, Security, GDPR, Guides Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Smart Interface Design Patterns, 10h video + UX training Scalable CSS Masterclass, with Andy Bell UX Strategy Masterclass, with Vitaly Friedman SmashingConf Freiburg 2024 GDPR requires you to be more thoughtful abou
Saved on: 2018-02-28