Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #nuxtjs.
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A non-trivial Movies app built in multiple frameworks

The Movies App is a non-trivial demo application built on top of the TMDB (The Movie Database) API. It features multiple routes and views, authentication, dark mode and a range of performance optimizations.
Saved on: 2022-10-20

Create a Blog with Nuxt Content - NuxtJS

The Content module is a git files based headless CMS that provides powerful features when it comes to write blogs, documentation sites or just adding content to any regular website. In this post we will go through most of the benefits of this module and discover how we can create a blog with it.
Tags: #vue #nuxtjs
Saved on: 2021-05-21

Headless CMS with Nuxt and Git submodules

Nuxt Content module is fantastic, but it requires content to be in the same project with our codebase. Can we keep the content away from the code, or have it managed privately? And what's the role of the Git submodule in this case? Let's find out.
Saved on: 2020-09-23

The Story of NuxtPress

Tags: #vuejs #nuxtjs
Saved on: 2019-08-20

How to load dynamic images in Vue and Nuxt with ease |

This article is written for Vue 3 and Nuxt 3. If you are looking for the Nuxt 2/Vue 2 version of this article, please follow this link to the older Nuxt 2 / Vue 2 version.
Saved on: 2019-08-19