Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev

Stupid solutions: Live server push without JS

Underjord is a tiny, wholesome team doing Elixir consulting and contract work. If you like the writing you should really try the code. See our services for more information. So in my post Is this evil? I covered a way of tracking users with CSS.
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Social Cooling - big data's unintended side effect

Databrokers compare your data to the data of people they know more about. By comparing the patterns they try to guess the likelihood of thousands of details that you may never have disclosed. These are actual examples: This has good and bad sides.
Tags: #culture
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Tuning Your Apache Server | Linode

Your Apache configuration settings have a major effect on your Linode’s performance. There are several tools that can be used to further inspect your Apache server’s performance and make informed decisions on how to begin tuning your Apache configurations.
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Apache2 and php fpm performance optimization — Step-by-step guide | by Seba

I had to handle high traffic loads in my career and I fought with down-time, not used memory and a lot of trouble in my past. In this article I want to give a step-by-step guide to apache2 performance settings, which is a concentrated result of a lot of reading and trying.
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Dynamically changing the log level in Symfony apps — Matthias Noback - Blog

This is just a quick post sharing something I was able to figure out after doing some research. The situation: our application throws exceptions by means of "talking back to the user". As developer we don't want to be notified about all these exceptions.
Tags: #symfony #php
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Serverless PHP Applications - Nomad PHP

Saved on: 2020-09-29

Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless

We launched Cloudflare Workers® in 2017 with a radical vision: code running at the network edge could not only improve performance, but also be easier to deploy and cheaper to run than code running in a single datacenter.
Saved on: 2020-09-29

Scopes in JetBrains IDEs

Any JetBrains IDE has an amazing feature that can significantly improve your development experience; whether it's PhpStorm, WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, or any other project; this feature enables better search and allows for custom file colours.
Saved on: 2020-09-25

The Ultimate Guide to Web Performance 🚀

There's so many ways to speed up your site. Don't you wish every web performance tip was in one place? That's what I thought too, so I put them all in one place: this post. Use this guide as a reference.
Saved on: 2020-09-25

Laravel's HasManyThrough cheatsheet -

- The current model Country has a relation to Post via User - The intermediate model is linked to the current model via users.country_id - The target model is linked to the intermediate model via posts.user_id - users.country_id maps to - posts.user_id maps to users.
Saved on: 2020-09-25

Layoutit Grid

Quickly design web layouts, and get HTML and CSS code. Learn CSS Grid visually and build web layouts with our interactive CSS Grid Generator.
Tags: #tools #css
Saved on: 2020-09-25

The failed promise of Web Components – Lea Verou

Web Components had so much potential to empower HTML to do more, and make web development more accessible to non-programmers and easier for programmers.
Saved on: 2020-09-25

Learn Git Branching

Learn Git Branching $ Git Hg
Tags: #guide #git
Saved on: 2020-09-25

A Few Rules · Collaborative Fund

The person who tells the most compelling story wins. Not the best idea. Just the story that catches people’s attention and gets them to nod their heads. Something can be factually true but contextually nonsense.
Tags: #culture
Saved on: 2020-09-25

Work on what matters | StaffEng

I've taken to using the word "energized" over "impactful." "Impactful" feels company-centric, and while that's important, "energized" is more inwards-looking. Finding energizing work is what has kept me at Stripe for so long, pursuing impactful work. - Michelle Bu
Saved on: 2020-09-25

What’s new in Tailwind CSS? - YouTube

In this series, we take a quick look at some of the new exciting features added to Tailwind CSS.
Tags: #tailwindcss
Saved on: 2020-09-24

Web Scraping with PHP

You might have seen one of our other tutorials on how to scrape websites, for example with Ruby , JavaScript or Python , and wondered: what about the most widely used server-side programming language for websites , which, at the same time, is the one of the most dreaded ? Wonder no more - today it's
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-09-24

今月から、スタジオジブリ作品の場面写真の提供を開始します - スタジオジブリ|STUDIO GHIBLI

今月から、スタジオジブリ作品の場面写真の提供を開始します。 今月からスタジオジブリ全作品の場面写真を順次提供することになりました。今月は、新しい作品を中心に 8作品、合計400枚提供します。 常識の範囲でご自由にお使いください。 思い出のマーニー50枚 かぐや姫の物語50枚 風立ちぬ50枚 コクリ
Tags: #art
Saved on: 2020-09-23

Headless CMS with Nuxt and Git submodules

Nuxt Content module is fantastic, but it requires content to be in the same project with our codebase. Can we keep the content away from the code, or have it managed privately? And what's the role of the Git submodule in this case? Let's find out.
Saved on: 2020-09-23

Laid off, now what? | Bharath's notes

As an immigrant on an H1B, you have exactly 60 days to find a new job when you are laid-off. This is a very short window of time to explore and land any job, let alone a job that matches your skills and interests.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2020-09-20

How I Redesigned My Laravel Blog (Again) - Christoph Rumpel

In 2018, I moved my blog from Jekyll to Laravel, and I took the opportunity to redesign it as well. The site was based on Sebastian De Deyne's blog, a Laravel application working with markdown files for posts.
Saved on: 2020-09-17

Now, this is important. Editing text is just part of what Nova does.

The native Mac code editor that's fast and amazing. It's new, hyper-fast, and flexible, with all the features you want: smart autocomplete, multiple cursors, a Minimap, editor overscroll, tag pairs and brackets, and way, way more.
Tags: #tools #mac
Saved on: 2020-09-17

Tailwind CSS Resources you wish you had.

This week I decided to take a look at Tailwind CSS and create a simple e-commerce website. The first thing I noticed is how well the documentation was written. Even if Tailwind is your first CSS framework, you will easily be able to navigate through different sections😉.
Saved on: 2020-09-16

Why do we need HTTPS? - How HTTPS works

Next on Now that we know the why, the next step is to understand symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Big words, but easy concepts.
Tags: #https
Saved on: 2020-09-15


New kind of inventory tracking, simple, flexible yet powerful. Also, we have tools available to trace SOL Casinos gaming data and insights. It helps to track player behavior and preferences, monitor gaming activity, manage marketing and promotions, and perform a variety of other functions.
Tags: #database
Saved on: 2020-09-15

Components, Patterns and Sh*t It’s Hard to Deal With

InfoQ Homepage Presentations Components, Patterns and Sh*t That’s Hard to Deal with
Saved on: 2020-09-14

A simple recipe for framework decoupling — Matthias Noback - Blog

If you want to write applications that are maintainable in the long run, you have to decouple from your framework, ORM, HTTP client, etc. because your application will outlive all of them. Following rule 1 ensures that you'll never fetch a service ad hoc, e.g.
Saved on: 2020-09-12

State of Self-Serve Website Building in 2020

While building our simple new website, we evaluated many website builder options, and realized how much the landscape has changed for self-serve business website design and hosting.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-09-11

GPT3 Empowered Recommendation System | by Cheng He | The Startup | Sep, 202

Recommendation systems are so successful in many products and services we interact with every day. Like 40% of app installs on Google Play and 60% of watch time on YouTube comes from recommendations. Not even to mention the well-known TikTok’s recommendation system.
Saved on: 2020-09-09

Violating the Dependency rule — Matthias Noback - Blog

I write about design rules a lot, but I sometimes forget to: Mention that these rules can't always be applied, Describe when that would be the case, and Add examples of situations where the rule really doesn't matter. The rules should work in most cases, but sometimes need to be "violated".
Saved on: 2020-09-08

Tailwind Ink

A tool for creating new color shades based on a neural network and trained with the Tailwindcss palette.
Tags: #tailwindcss
Saved on: 2020-09-07

A high-performance blog template for 11ty

Awais said: ✍️ Well, this is fantastic. A free high-performance 11ty Blog template by Google mostly @cramforce, @mathias, and of course @zachleat. Lots of interesting web perf practices in the code — that's all FOSS (Free & Open Source Software). Have at it.
Saved on: 2020-09-07

A decoupled PHP architecture inspired by the Clean Architecture | by Joe Sa

This article would not be possible without the help of Rodrigo Jardim da Fonseca, Edison Junior, and Lemuel Roberto. Disclaimer: I feel like I should address that the architecture I’m about to present already existed when I arrived at Arquivei, almost two years ago and didn’t change much since.
Saved on: 2020-09-04

How to run over 30k tests in under 5 minutes | by Daan van Marsbergen | Sep

When I started my professional career I had no idea what a unit test looked like. I think I skipped that part on W3Schools. It didn’t matter, because my first employer was not using tests.
Tags: #testing #php
Saved on: 2020-09-04

Refactoring PHP - Christoph Rumpel

Refactoring is the process of modifying and restructuring code without changing its functionality. When I first heard about it, I was like: Why would anyone do that? It took some years until I fully understood the concept and that the working code is not always good.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-09-03

TALL stack

Tailwind, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire. A full-stack development solution, built by Laravel community members.
Saved on: 2020-09-03

Blade UI Kit

With 27 different components, we probably have something for you. Blade UI Kit was designed to work smoothly with these technologies.
Saved on: 2020-09-03

18.S097: Programming with Categories

Summary: In this course we explain how category theory—a branch of mathematics known for its ability to organize the key abstractions that structure much of the mathematical universe—has become useful for writing elegant and maintainable code.
Saved on: 2020-09-03

How to Find Consulting Clients | Hacker News

I have had success just directly reaching out to companies I wanted to work with. This meant I was at least proactively putting myself in front of them, instead of hoping they find me or remember me. 1. Go to https://trends.builtwith.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2020-09-02

Most favorited Hacker News posts of all time / Tom Larkworthy / Observable

The most favorited articles by the top 10k most active Hacker News members. The list skews toward innovative learning resources and tech career tips, but there is a little of everything. Data was scraped 2020-09-1 from the public favourites lists. This is an observable notebook with the data attached as a file, so you can fork your own analysis if you don't like how I did it (e.g. you could find the favorited Ask HN posts). To calculate the top favourites, I give each member 30 votes to divided over their
Saved on: 2020-09-02

Legacy to Laravel: How to Modernize an Aging PHP Application | Tighten

Here at Tighten, we love Laravel and get excited about staying up to date with the latest and greatest features our framework of choice has to offer.
Saved on: 2020-09-02

The BaseCode Podcast | 28: Modernizing your views

Share Copied to clipboard Embed Copied to clipboard
Tags: #laravel
Saved on: 2020-09-02

Caching is hard, draw me a picture | APIs You Won't Hate - A community that

Another guest post from our friend Darrel Miller. This is my attempt to make the HTTPbis caching rules more accessible and hopefully shine a light on how powerful HTTP caching can be.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-09-01

Learning How to Learn Efficiently - DEV

Hello everyone. As you know there are lots of information about programming and related topics. Sometimes is really frustrating to constantly be googling the same things over and over again. I am sick of it. I decided that I need to find a way to improve how I learn.
Tags: #learning
Saved on: 2020-08-31

Blog @ Codonomics: Multi-tenant Architectures

Multi-tenancy Application Deployment Architecture could be modeled in 4 broad ways: Separate Apps & Separate Databases Shared Apps & Shared Databases Separate Apps & Shared Databases Shared Apps & Separate Databases There is no right or wrong here.
Saved on: 2020-08-31

Illustration Website Template | Templates | Black Illustrations

We receive a lot of messages from Black illustration members in search of new and innovative ways to showcase and use illustrations. So, we decided to design and develop an Illustrations website template showcasing these beautiful illustrations in action. Features include
Saved on: 2020-08-28

Olaf - Acoustic fingerprinting on the ESP32 and in the Browser -

A good year ago I was asked to develop audio recognition technology for an e-costume. The idea was that lights in the costume would follow a sequence synchronised to a certain song. Only a single song should trigger the lights, all other music should be ignored.
Tags: #audio #art
Saved on: 2020-08-27

Dialects in Code: Part 1 - Ross Tuck

For a long time, I’ve been interested in how different folks can use the same programming language in radically different ways. I’ve privately used the term “dialects” to describe these different approaches.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-08-27

Turbocharged PHP Development with Xdebug, Docker & PHPStorm - Jump24

Quite the controversial “hot-take” from Derick, and while it certainly caused quite the stir (that it was probably designed to), it made me think. I thought, ‘Do I need to revisit Xdebug?’, and I realised that I’d fallen into Derick’s trap. But think I did.
Tags: #php #docker
Saved on: 2020-08-26

Will it CORS?

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is how browsers decide how web applications can communicate with other services. Restricting this is important for security, but it's hard to understand how CORS works, which means sending HTTP requests to APIs can be difficult & confusing.
Saved on: 2020-08-25

Git Branch Cheatsheet

Working on the command line with git can be a bit overwhelming, so I'm starting a series of git cheatsheet posts for various areas. This post focuses on git branch. There are many different ways to list git branches.
Saved on: 2020-08-25

How I helped fix Canadaʼs COVID Alert app

On July 31st, Canada's COVID Alert app was made available for general use, though it does not have support for actually reporting a diagnosis in most provinces, yet.
Tags: #security
Saved on: 2020-08-25

A tale of webpage speed, or throwing away React

Back in 2011, I happened to get a job writing Backbone.js app. If you never did that, don’t. I was complaining about difficulties with composition left and right to whoever would listen. As I started digging into alternatives for the front-end, I discovered FRP and Flapjax, and ClojureScript.
Tags: #performance
Saved on: 2020-08-24

How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format — Lightspeed

November 2, 2021 Update: Firefox 93 now supports the AVIF format without feature flag. August 26, 2020 Update: Chrome 85 now supports the AVIF format and the link to the preview build of the has been updated as it now fully supports AVIF.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-08-24

Stéphane Ducasse

I started to be fed up to see all the books I like to be out of print, so I started to contact authors and collect their old books. I would like to thanks them all and their publishers as well. If you know an author that is willing to give to the community a book, please give him my email.
Tags: #books
Saved on: 2020-08-22

Symfony 5: guida rapida (Symfony Docs)

Ringraziamenti Di cosa si tratta? Preparazione dell'ambiente di lavoro Presentazione del progetto Da zero al…
Tags: #symfony #php
Saved on: 2020-08-20

I have built MVC Framework from scratch using PHP for only education purposes

The following video series might help you to better understand how PHP frameworks work behind. Source code: [
Tags: #php #learning
Saved on: 2020-08-20

Learn Playwright & Puppeteer

Tips, tricks, and in-depth guides from the trenches. Learn how to use the popular open-source browser automation frameworks, Playwright and Puppeteer. This guide provides detailed information and examples how you can write high-quality scripts for testing and synthetic monitoring.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-08-19

7 Practical Tips for Cheating at Design | by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger |

Every web developer inevitably runs into situations where they need to make visual design decisions, whether they like it or not. Maybe the company you work for doesn’t have a full-time designer and you need to implement the UI for a new feature on your own.
Saved on: 2020-08-17

(59) Missing Semester IAP 2020 - YouTube

Lecture videos from the class offered during MIT's Independent Activities Period in 2020.
Saved on: 2020-08-13

Tailwind CSS Tips and Tricks - Laravel News

Inspired by a tweet from Laravel employee #1, Mohamed Said, I decided to write this post detailing how to resolve issues that developers might run into when using Tailwind CSS. Most of the problems can be solved pretty easily, you just need to know a couple of classes to use in the right spots.
Tags: #tailwindcss
Saved on: 2020-08-13

The $4335 Video Course Launch That Made Me Think ????? - Christoph Rumpel

At the beginning of 2019, I released Laravel Core Adventures as a free video course on how Laravel works under the hood. It started with a few videos on Laravel's request life-cycle and facades.
Saved on: 2020-08-13

Modernizing a Legacy PHP Application

Update Aug, 11: This post was well received on Reddit, so I added new anti-patterns to reflect the comments. Recently, I had the chance occasion to work on numerous legacy PHP applications. I spotted common anti-patterns that I had to fix.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-08-11

How to stop procrastinating by using the Fogg Behavior Model

B J Fogg is a Stanford professor who came up with a simple model of behavior that helps us understand why we take action or not take action at any given moment.
Saved on: 2020-08-11

What's next for Chrome Music Lab?

Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments. Many teachers have been using Chrome Music Lab as a tool in their classrooms to explore music and its connections to science, math, art, and more.
Tags: #webdev #music
Saved on: 2020-08-05

Google Goes Deeper On How It Measures Web Vitals

Martin Splitt from Google went a bit deeper, on Twitter (yes on Twitter), on how Google goes about rendering and measuring what it renders. Here is what Martin Splitt said on Twitter.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2020-08-04

Saved on: 2020-08-03

Enhancements to PHP code coverage in 2020

In 2003, with the release of Xdebug 1.2, Derick Rethans introduced the ability to collect code coverage data to the PHP ecosystem for the first time.
Tags: #testing #php
Saved on: 2020-08-01

What I Learned from Doing 60+ Technical Interviews in 30 Days

Learn to code for free. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. Get started
Tags: #tips #career
Saved on: 2020-08-01

Ten modern layouts in one line of CSS

This post highlights a few powerful lines of CSS that do some serious heavy lifting and help you build robust modern layouts. Modern CSS layouts enable developers to write really meaningful and robust styling rules with just a few keystrokes.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2020-07-31

IndieLog - Vlogging our Indie journey together

IndieLog is a community for indie hackers. Each video is up to 2 minutes. Let's share our journey together.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2020-07-30

Some SQL Tricks of an Application DBA

When I started my career in development, my first job was a DBA. Back then, before AWS RDS, Azure, Google Cloud and the rest of them cloud services, there were two types of DBAs:
Saved on: 2020-07-29


is an aspirational name for this project, which aims to provide a lean, fast-loading web e-book template with a kind of definitive sturdiness. (I first encountered the term "perfect edition" in the world of manga.
Saved on: 2020-07-29

The #1 Flashcard App Recommended by Barbara Oakley, PhD

This is why I use iDoRecall in my own work. Upload all of your learning materials into your iDoRecall library. Word files, PowerPoints, PDFs, images, media hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, and much more.
Saved on: 2020-07-25

You've used the Pocket button to save a page from Pocket's website! Now that you know how to save to Pocket, it's time to venture out and build your own personal reading list.
Saved on: 2020-07-24

Parked Domain name on Hostinger DNS system

Happy to see your domain with Hostinger! Your domain is active and is using Hostinger nameservers. Take the recommended steps below to continue your journey with Hostinger.
Saved on: 2020-07-24

Carbon Copy Cloner LaCie Drive = Bootable/Restorable Backup - Chris Coyie

Stephen at work just got a new work laptop because his old one was dying. He ordered a fairly stock MacBook Pro one day, it arrived the next. He restored it from a “bootable backup” he made with Carbon Copy Cloner, and was instantly back to work on the new machine.
Saved on: 2020-07-23

Pagination and Scroll Restoration with Turbolinks · Gray Matter

This solution has issues we try to fix in part two. Still a useful read for context, though.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2020-07-23

Reactive jQuery for Spaghetti-fied Legacy Codebases (or When You Can’t Have

DigitalOcean provides cloud products for every stage of your journey. Get started with $200 in free credit!
Tags: #javascript
Saved on: 2020-07-23

Design Docs at Google

One of the key elements of Google's software engineering culture is the use of design docs for defining software designs. These are relatively informal documents that the primary author or authors of a software system or application create before they embark on the coding project.
Saved on: 2020-07-23

The “I’m new to design” starter pack | by Sara Clayton | UX Collective

As someone who has made the transition from marketing to design, I occasionally get questions from others who don’t have any background in design on how to get started.
Saved on: 2020-07-22

PHP 8: before and after -

It's only a few months before PHP 8 will be released, and honestly there are so many good features. In this post I want to share the real-life impact that PHP 8 will have on my own code.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2020-07-20

Things I wish I’d known about CSS

I learned how to build websites the old fashioned way: looking at website source code and trying to replicate the things I saw. I threw in the odd book for the stuff I couldn’t see (like PHP/MySQL), and I was on my way.
Tags: #webdev #css
Saved on: 2020-07-17

Amazon Interactive Video Service – Add Live Video to Your Apps and Websites

Today, I am so excited to tell you about the new Amazon Interactive Video Service, which allows you to add live video directly into your own apps and websites.
Tags: #aws
Saved on: 2020-07-16

How OAuth 2.0 Works

The modern human likely has profiles on dozens of applications. Whether it’s social media applications, music/video streaming, or workspace resources, each of us must manage accounts that contain personal information. Over time, these siloed applications have become increasingly connected.
Saved on: 2020-07-16

Introducing AWS Copilot

The first official command line tool for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was created in 2015. In December 2019, we shared the preview release of a new command line experience, redesigned from the ground up to make it easier for you to deploy your applications on Amazon ECS.
Tags: #aws
Saved on: 2020-07-15

How to Run a Live Coding Stream on Twitch using OBS - Jordan Lewis

If you’re reading this post, you might be interested in trying your hand at live coding on stream, as a way of sharing your projects in a more relatable, immediate way than a polished blog post, teaching others about programming, or just as a way to have fun.
Saved on: 2020-07-14

Essential Meaningful Productivity : zen habits

I don’t care about being efficient and productive just to be a better person, to get more done, to be more awesome. Cranking out more stuff for productivity’s sake doesn’t interest me anymore (it used to). Today, I care about productivity only as it affects my mission.
Saved on: 2020-07-14

How We Achieve 90 Lighthouse Performance Score and Fully Offline Mode for

DANA Home Shopping is one of the key features that DANA provides to make us more convenience to buy stuff we want from our home without going anywhere. We can order via Whatsapp and pay it using QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard).
Saved on: 2020-07-08

The Concept of Domain-Driven Design Explained - DEV

Using microservices means creating applications from loosely coupling services. The application consists of several small services, each representing a separate business goal. They can be developed and easily maintained individually, after what they are joint in a complex application.
Tags: #ddd
Saved on: 2020-07-08

Building Cloudflare TV from scratch

Cloudflare TV is inspired by television shows of the 90s that shared the newest, most exciting developments in computing and music videos. We had three basic requirements for Cloudflare TV: There should be 24x7 programming. Something interesting should be playing all the time
Saved on: 2020-07-08

Clean architecture, building software that lasts - Coders Opinion

When building software we sometimes need to build it in a way so it will last for years. Some projects I’ve worked on used software that was running for almost 10 years. Within these 10 years, the software had experienced many changes.
Saved on: 2020-07-03

Domain Driven Design | MokaByte

Con questo numero iniziamo una panoramica su Domain Driven Design, con l‘obiettivo di approfondire i concetti caratteristici di questa disciplina e di esplorarne le possibili implementazioni nell‘attuale panorama tecnologico.
Tags: #ddd
Saved on: 2020-07-03