Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev

The Story behind ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers)

During Amazon’s earliest days (1994-1995), CTO Shel Kaphan and Software Engineer Paul (then) Barton-Davis had to write all the software needed to power on the day it offered its website to the world to sell books (official launch date was July 16, 1995).
Saved on: 2023-01-25

Zero to Nix

No more "works on my machine." Create environments that work seamlessly and are easily sharable across platforms. No more broken builds or mysterious installation processes. Nix builds packages from scratch every time.
Saved on: 2023-01-23

27 Companies Hiring Remote Software Engineers Anywhere in the World in 2023

Custom Healthcare Data Collection Solutions - WE'RE HIRING WORLDWIDE! Open positions at Developer APIs for stocks and crypto trading, investing apps, and embedded fintech.
Tags: #career
Saved on: 2023-01-23

Netflix’s New Chapter – Stratechery by Ben Thompson

The simplified story of Netflix’s founding starts with Reed Hastings grumbling over a $40 late charge from Blockbuster, and ends with the brick-and-mortar giant going bankrupt as customers came to prefer online rentals from Netflix, with streaming providing the final coup de grâce.
Saved on: 2023-01-23

#132: The contagious visual blandness of Netflix

Last week I saw M3GAN, the new horror-comedy starring Allison Williams and a robot-doll in a blond wig. I liked it enough. The doll character is genuinely well-done—a seemingly hard-to-nail mix of creepy and campy—but I walked out of the theater with a vaguely empty feeling.
Saved on: 2023-01-23

How I upgraded eight PHP katas

Split screen Photo generated by DALL-E I recently upgraded eight PHP Katas from a minimum PHP 7.3 to a minimum of PHP 8.0. I used Rector, Easy Coding Standard (ECS) and PhpStan to help me. This is how I approached the upgrade and used these tools.
Saved on: 2023-01-23

Laravel, artisan serve, and HTTPS

If you are working on a project with Laravel, you have more than one way to run it locally. You can use: The Artisan development server uses the PHP built-in web server for running a process that listens to new HTTP connection and executes and runs PHP code.
Saved on: 2023-01-22


Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API. Contribute to openai/openai-cookbook development by creating an account on GitHub.
Saved on: 2023-01-21

The Page With No Code

It all started when I saw, Terence Eden‘s hilarious response to Salma Alam-Naylor‘s excellent HTML is all you need to make a website.
Saved on: 2023-01-21

My PHP enum style guide

This is my personal style guide for using enums in PHP. Each section describes the rule, but also the personal, opinionated reasoning behind the rule. Enums are very close to "constant values".
Saved on: 2023-01-17

Conditional CSS

I like to think of CSS as a conditional design language. Over the years, CSS was known as a way to style web pages. Now, however, CSS has evolved a lot to the point you can see conditional rules. The interesting bit is that those CSS rules aren’t direct (i.
Saved on: 2023-01-17

Quick Wins and Marginal Gains in Laravel //

Quick Wins in Laravel A collection of tips that make my life easier as a Laravel develope...
Saved on: 2023-01-13

Configuring Laravel Pint | Laravel News

Laravel Pint is the hot new thing from the Laravel team. An excellent wrapper around PHP CS Fixer that is my go-to code standards tool. I previously wrote about the release of Laravel Pint when it was first released.
Saved on: 2023-01-13

Piano Chords: Simple Online Piano Chord Player

Major chords are triads constructed using a root, a major third and a perfect fifth. Major chords usually sound happy and bright. Major 7th chords are 4-note chords constructed with an additional major seventh. Minor chords are triads constructed using a root, a minor third and a perfect fifth.
Saved on: 2023-01-10

How to store your app's entire state in the url

I'm working on a flowchart editor that runs in the browser, and I wanted a way for people to use it without having to sign in, or store any data on our server. I wanted to give them control over their data and to be able to store it locally to open and edit later.
Saved on: 2023-01-10

3D in CSS

This does come with a cost. The greater the rotation, the more readability is lost. However, we don't always need 100% readability. Graphic designer David Carson once designed numbers for the floors of a hotel. They would be the first thing a guest sees when stepping off the elevator.
Saved on: 2023-01-10

How to implement csv exports (millions of rows) in Laravel with a distributed approach using Queues and Jobs

I was working remotely yesterday and I was supposed to implement an export feature for a list of members on a system. The resulting file must be a CSV file. There were millions of members in the database and the Laravel stream download was not working:
Saved on: 2023-01-10

Furby 1998 source code

Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Reddit Share to Tumblr Share to Pinterest Share via email Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help!
Saved on: 2023-01-09

A CSS challenge: skewed highlight

I often challenge myself to see if something is possible to implement in a sensible way or to play around with new Web platform features. I end up with a demo but rarely share it with anyone.
Saved on: 2022-12-31

8 Hard Truths I learned when I got laid off from my SWE job

I haven’t talked about this publicly for a variety of reasons, including Hard Truth #6 (Honesty Can Only Hurt You). And everything worked out for me in the end.
Saved on: 2022-12-29


Saved on: 2022-12-23

Docker on MacOS is slow and how to fix it

Thanks to the DALL·E 2, we finally have a very nice graphic representation of the feelings of a Docker container inside a macOS environment, I will try with this article to make this poor container safe to the coast.
Saved on: 2022-12-23


In these times, the benefits of writing unit tests are huge. I think that most of the recently started projects contain any unit tests.
Saved on: 2022-12-21

Steve vs Matt — How two developers approach the same problem | Laravel News

It's very common to see two programmers who code the same feature differently. But it's much less common for those two programmers to see eye-to-eye and remain friendly.
Saved on: 2022-12-21

Effective Eloquent | Laravel News

Get ready to level up your Laravel skills with this tutorial on eloquent queries! You'll learn everything you need to know, from beginner to advanced techniques. To begin with, let's take a step back and think about what Eloquent is.
Tags: #php #laravel
Saved on: 2022-12-21

Hello, Video Codec!

It can't be overstated how crucial video codecs are to the products we use every day. Without them, we wouldn't be able to watch videos on YouTube or meet remotely via Zoom.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2022-12-19

JavaScript APIs You Don’t Know About — Smashing Magazine

16 min read API, Apps, Tools, Guides, JavaScript Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Click here to kickstart your project for free in a matter of minutes.
Tags: #javascript
Saved on: 2022-12-15

The best things and stuff of 2022

Great things and people that I discovered, learned, read, met, etc. in 2022. No particular ordering is implied. Not everything is new. *also: see the lists from [2021](, [2020](https://blog.fogus.
Saved on: 2022-12-14

10 Personal Finance Lessons for Technology Professionals

Patience. Frugality. Sacrifice. When you boil it down, what do those three things have in common? Those are choices. Money is not peace of mind. Money’s not happiness. Money is, at its essence, that measure of a man’s choices.
Saved on: 2022-12-13

Just Use Postgres for Everything

TLDR; just Postgres for everything. We have invited complexity through the door. But it will not leave as easily.
Saved on: 2022-12-11


Saved on: 2022-12-10

Learn to Code faster.

Fireship is a blazingly fast && highly-amusing way to level up your programming skills. Fireship is all about project-based learning. I create short highly-focused videos that make learning to code addicting.
Saved on: 2022-12-10

Find the top computer science papers on any topic

Emergent Mind monitors social media for mentions of new computer science papers and surfaces the papers with the most engagement so you can stay informed about important new research. You can filter trending papers by arXiv category or timeframe and also sort the papers in a variety of ways.
Saved on: 2022-12-10

Unicode characters you can not see

In Unicode there are a lot of invisible characters: regular white-space characters (e.g. U+0020 SPACE), language specific fillers (e.g. U+3164 HANGUL FILLER of the Korean Hangual alphabet), or special characters (e.g. U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK).
Saved on: 2022-12-05

ongoing by Tim Bray · Protect Me From What I Want

Over on Mastodon, there are many people who enjoy not being in the grip of software like Facebook or Twitter that single-mindedly tries to maximize “engagement”, which means the amount of time you stare at the screen so they can show you ads.
Saved on: 2022-11-29

A Guide to Google Search Ranking Systems | Google Search Central  |  What's

Google uses automated ranking systems that look at many factors and signals about hundreds of billions of web pages and other content in our Search index to present the most relevant, useful results, all in a fraction of a second.
Saved on: 2022-11-21

Useful Front-End Boilerplates And Starter Kits

23 min read Guides, Tools, Workflow, Templates, Round-Ups, Best Practices Share on Twitter, LinkedIn 11 Habits of Highly Effective Developers Click here to kickstart your project for free in a matter of minutes.
Saved on: 2022-11-20

Why is McDonald's Considered a Real Estate Company?

Consumers think of McDonald’s as a burger restaurant, but in the business world, McDonald’s is considered a real estate company. While the brand has sold more than one billion hamburgers to customers around the world, 85% of its stores are owned by franchisees.
Saved on: 2022-11-19

Tree views in CSS

A tree view (collapsible list) can be created using only HTML and CSS, without the need for JavaScript. Accessibility software will see the tree view as lists nested inside disclosure widgets, and the standard keyboard interaction is supported automatically.
Saved on: 2022-11-19

The 12-bit rainbow palette

I designed the 12-bit rainbow palette for use on National Grid: Live.
Saved on: 2022-11-19

Using :has() as a CSS Parent Selector and much more

It’s been a long-standing dream of front-end developers to have a way to apply CSS to an element based on what’s happening inside that element. Maybe we want to apply one layout to an article element if there’s a hero image at the top, and a different layout if there is no hero image.
Saved on: 2022-11-18

A 900-Page Pre-Pantone Guide to Color from 1692: A Complete Digital Scan |

Human beings got along per­fect­ly well for hun­dreds of mil­len­nia with­out stan­dard­ized tax­onomies of col­or, but they didn’t do so in a glob­al­ly con­nect­ed cul­ture full of logos, brands, and 24/7 screens.
Saved on: 2022-11-17

Twenty Questions

Let’s play a game. I’m thinking of a number from 1 to 100. You guess, and I tell you whether my number is higher or lower. Naturally, your first guess is 50, since you’re trying to cut the possibilities perfectly in half. I tell you it’s higher, so you guess 75. I tell you it’s lower.
Saved on: 2022-11-15

Upbase Plans & Pricing - Free | Premium

Upbase is a unique productivity tool that combines project management and daily planning to boost your daily efficiency. Organize, prioritize, and keep track of what needs to be done.
Saved on: 2022-11-13

Dealing with technical debt during the sprint — Matthias Noback - Blog

It's quite ironic that my most "popular" tweet has been posted while Twitter itself is in such a chaotic phase. It's also quite ironic that I try to provide helpful suggestions for doing a better job as a programmer, yet such a bitter tweet ends up to be so popular.
Saved on: 2022-11-12

How to keep your legacy PHP project working with minimal efforts

So, what is the point? Extremely outdated but excellent working PHP projects are widespread cases in business realities. It’s enough just to open PHP projects listing in Upwork (or any other freelance marketplace) to prove that.
Saved on: 2022-11-11

37signals Dev — Vanilla Rails is plenty

I have often heard this: vanilla Rails can only get you so far. At some point, apps become unmaintainable, and you need a different approach that brings the missing pieces, because Rails encourages a poor separation of concerns at the architectural level.
Saved on: 2022-11-10

Idiot proof git

Functionality in this post is maintained in this Github Repo. PRs welcome! I’m an idiot. And git is hard. A lot of places use a rebase-based Git workflow, and I’ve made git less hard with a set of handy aliases. Put these in your ~/.
Tags: #git
Saved on: 2022-11-10

Audio CD ripping - optical drive accuracy listing

I tend to keep my audio local. Therefore, I need an accurate ripping device for my audio CD collection. Recently I found a neat listing in the dbPowerAmp forum, but I added some information as well as ways to filter and sort. Have fun!
Saved on: 2022-11-07

Almost monospaced: the perfect fonts for writing

Monospaced fonts are the kind that most folks probably associate with a typewriter. It just looks like typewriter text. Programmers often use monospaced fonts in their code editors, which gives monospaced fonts an association of being computer-y text.
Tags: #typography
Saved on: 2022-11-07

MDN => Markdown

In 2021, the Open Web Docs team, with help from Mozilla, the W3C, and the wider web docs community, converted the authoring format for MDN Web Docs - all 11,000 pages of it - from HTML to Markdown. In this post we'll talk about why we did it, how we did it, and how it turned out.
Saved on: 2022-11-05

Holograms, light-leaks and how to build CSS-only shaders.

I might be understating it a bit, but WebGL is a big deal. You only need to spend five minutes on one of the many design awards sites to see site-after-site fully leaning into the power of canvas.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2022-11-03

My Top 10 Tips for Doing Time In ‘the Hole’ | The Marshall Project

When I went to prison at age 19, my greatest fear was being hurt by other people serving time. So when I passed through the prison gates, I took on the persona of a deadly gangster. I did things that landed me in “the hole” — slang for administrative segregation — over and over.
Saved on: 2022-10-31

Modern PHP features explained - PHP 8.0 and 8.1 | Laravel News

Since its release in late 2020, PHP 8 has been a game changer. In this tutorial, I will walk through all the latest features with real-world examples of when I might choose to use them.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2022-10-28

Sign in to Visit Go Inside the Great Pyramid of …

Please sign up or login to visit the Guided Tour of the full interior Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau.
Saved on: 2022-10-28

Shell Script Best Practices — The Sharat's

This article is about a few quick thumb rules I use when writing shell scripts that I’ve come to appreciate over the years. Very opinionated. Use bash. Using zsh or fish or any other, will make it hard for others to understand / collaborate.
Saved on: 2022-10-27

Pokemon Deckz

Saved on: 2022-10-27

I have nothing to declare but my strict types — Webkudu

Learn to improve your PHP code in 1 minute by adding strict types. Adding strict types to your code is stupidly easy. Simply just add the line declare(strict_types=1); to the top of every PHP file you write. It must appear above everything in the file except for the opening <?php tag.
Saved on: 2022-10-26

OKLCH in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL

The new CSS Color 4 specification has added the new oklch() notation for declaring colors. In this post, we explain why this is important for design systems and color palettes. So, that’s the short version, but if you want the whole story, let’s start from the beginning in the next section.
Saved on: 2022-10-26

The 37signals Guide to Making Decisions

Below you’ll find a collection of general principles we try to keep in mind at 37signals when making decisions.
Saved on: 2022-10-23

Rare Vintage Toys, Synthesizers and classic Mercedes cars.

When something is created with clear intention the results are often positive. This website explores design intention across a wide range of objects from iconic cars and buildings to electronic gear and even foods. All these unique objects are showcased with original insights and photographs.
Tags: #design
Saved on: 2022-10-22

Blending Modes : Dan Hollick

Jaga @kandros5591
Saved on: 2022-10-22

Learn how to upload files in Laravel like a Pro

One of the things that I see many people struggling with is file uploads.
Tags: #laravel
Saved on: 2022-10-21

We’re drowning |

We live in a golden age of software reuse. We’ve never before had such a wealth of freely available code, in so many languages, so easy to find and install. And yet, we’re drowning.
Saved on: 2022-10-20

A non-trivial Movies app built in multiple frameworks

The Movies App is a non-trivial demo application built on top of the TMDB (The Movie Database) API. It features multiple routes and views, authentication, dark mode and a range of performance optimizations.
Saved on: 2022-10-20

Laravel’s safety mechanisms

Laravel is a mature PHP web application framework with built-in support for almost everything modern applications need.
Tags: #laravel
Saved on: 2022-10-20

How to use the watch as a Compass (Northern Hemisphere for instance)

You can estimate approximate compass directions using the positions of the hour hand and the sun as a guide. Keep in mind that these determinations are approximate as discrepancies can arise at different latitudes and in different seasons. 1.
Saved on: 2022-10-20

Sound – Bartosz Ciechanowski

Invisible and relentless, sound is seemingly just there, traveling through our surroundings to carry beautiful music or annoying noises. In this article I’ll explain what sound is, how it’s created and propagated.
Saved on: 2022-10-19

Simply beautiful open source icons

Feather v4.29.
Saved on: 2022-10-17

Why is z-index not working?! - Explaining CSS Stacking Context - DEV Commun

Dimensions are weird. While most web apps seem to focus on the x and y axis, representing a 2D plane that the user interacts with, there's actually a z-axis that's often ignored. Some browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, even provide a way to see a website blown up into a 3D view:
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2022-10-09

Using Notion as a headless CMS for our blog

Headless CMSes have caught on in popularity recently. When building a CMS for the Data Narratives Blog, we wanted to try one out. While there are plenty of specialized solutions, we went with Notion. It’s stable, everyone is familiar with it, and has a super easy to use API.
Saved on: 2022-10-07

Take advantage of Git rebase | GitLab

These days, developers spend a lot of time reviewing merge requests and taking these reviews into account to improve the code. We'll discuss how Git rebase can help in speeding up these review cycles. But first, let's take a look at some workflow considerations.
Tags: #guide #git
Saved on: 2022-10-06

quine-relay/QR.rb at master · mame/quine-relay

If you are using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat), you can follow these steps. First, you need to type the following apt-get command to install them all.
Saved on: 2022-10-06

Example Showcase - Tailwind CSS

You can build anything with Tailwind CSS. Well not quite anything, like you can't build a spaceship with it. But you can definitely build the website for the spaceship — NASA did.
Saved on: 2022-10-06

How fateful? | Hacker News

Tags: #culture
Saved on: 2022-10-05

Modeling a scalable fantasy football database with Amazon DynamoDB | AWS Da

Today’s online games generate more data than ever and have request rates that reach millions per second.
Saved on: 2022-10-03

Templating in HTML | Kitty Giraudel

Some people on HackerNews pointed out that this is actually not “templating” the way Handlebars, Mustache, Twig or whatever else is. Okay? It’s just a title, that doesn’t invalidate the rest of the piece. 🤷‍♀️
Saved on: 2022-10-02

Figtree - Google Fonts

Tags: #typography
Saved on: 2022-10-02

Good design means it's easy-to-change — Matthias Noback - Blog

Software development seems to be about change: the business changes and we need to reflect those changes, so the requirements or specifications change, frameworks and libraries change, so we have to change our integrations with them, etc.
Saved on: 2022-09-28

Experimenting A New Syntax To Write SVG

It's been a while since I introduced a new syntax to the css-doodle project to solve my own problems. While I'm not sure it would be useful elsewhere, I need to make some notes before I forget the details. I always find it a bit hard to write SVG without the help of additional tools or libraries.
Saved on: 2022-09-27

I spent two years trying to do what Backstage does for free

[Ed. note: While we take some time to rest up over the holidays and prepare for next year, we are re-publishing our top ten posts for the year. Please enjoy our favorite work this year and we’ll see you in 2023.
Saved on: 2022-09-22

Walkmp3rson Is An MP3 Player Like Sony Never Made

If you weren’t already well aware, the 90s are like, so hot right now, and that includes cassette tapes for some reason. (Even though we personally didn’t have a CD player until 1998, they were around as early as 1982.
Saved on: 2022-09-22


Type-level TypeScript is an online course to take your TypeScript skills from intermediate to advanced. It will give you a solid understanding of the type system's fundamentals and guide you through its most advanced features.
Saved on: 2022-09-21

Algorithms in PHP: Deques (circular buffers & linked lists) – A Walk Within

In the previous post, I talked about priority queues. But in my explanation of an alternative implementation, I neglected to mention a few things:
Saved on: 2022-09-13

Work Is Work

Every time I’ve written or spoken about organizational design, I’ve regretted it. There’s something about staking out a position on it which manages to prove me wrong a few years later. But I’ve been having some long thinks about it again, and here’s what I’ve got. Strap the fuck in.
Saved on: 2022-09-13

Symfony meets WordPress. I call it Sword.

Few months ago I came here to introduce a library to work with WordPress database from a third party app (WordpressInterop). I use it to work in a Sym
Saved on: 2022-09-11

Ask HN: Does anyone have a great public domain list of programming books?

I'd love to import your data into Will give you many internet points and/or something else that will enrich your life.
Tags: #books
Saved on: 2022-09-10

Mounting Amazon S3 to an Amazon EC2 instance using a private connection to S3 File Gateway

Customers rehosting applications in the cloud that deal with large files and unstructured data can benefit by utilizing object storage from a performance, scalability, and cost perspective, as compared to block or file storage.
Saved on: 2022-09-09

Infinite Scrolling: When to Use It, When to Avoid It

Infinite scrolling is a listing-page design approach which loads content continuously as the user scrolls down. It eliminates the need for pagination  — breaking content up into multiple pages.  Since its invention in 2006, infinite scrolling experienced a steep growth in popularity.
Tags: #frontend
Saved on: 2022-09-08

Critical CSS? Not So Fast! – CSS Wizardry – Web Performance Optimisation

I have long held very strong opinions about the Critical CSS pattern. In theory, in a perfect world, with all things being equal, it’s demonstrably a Good Idea™.
Saved on: 2022-09-07

Why A4? – The Mathematical Beauty of Paper Size - Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Unless you have skipped a lot of school, or work, or both – or you live in the USA – you have probably used an A4 sheet of paper before now. Have you ever wondered why it is the shape or size it is? Time to dust off some high-school level maths to investigate.
Saved on: 2022-09-06

Granular interfaces — Sebastian De Deyne

A few weeks ago a spec change for an application we're working on forced us to refactor part of the codebase. It was food for thought about the flexibility granular interfaces provide, and choosing the right abstraction at the right time.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2022-09-06 - Modern Web App Design Patterns is a free online resource on design, rendering, and performance patterns for building powerful web apps with vanilla JavaScript or modern frameworks.
Saved on: 2022-09-06

(...) — USB, Thunderbolt, Displayport & docks

After I recently ordered a new laptop, I have been looking for a USB-C-connected dock to be used with my new laptop.
Saved on: 2022-09-05

Run Stable Diffusion on your M1 Mac’s GPU

Stable Diffusion is open source, so anyone can run and modify it. That’s what has caused the abundance of creations over the past week. You can run Stable Diffusion in the cloud on Replicate, but it’s also possible to run it locally.
Saved on: 2022-09-01