Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #lifehacks.
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How to become a memory master | Idriz Zogaj | TEDxGoteborg - YouTube

Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Idriz is passionate about teaching others how to improve their memories and believes that with the right practice, almost everyone can get a super-memory.
Saved on: 2017-10-23

Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do | TED Talk

There are people who can quickly memorize lists of thousands of numbers, the order of all the cards in a deck (or ten!), and much more. Science writer Joshua Foer describes the technique -- called the memory palace -- and shows off its most remarkable feature: anyone can learn how to use it, including him.
Saved on: 2017-10-23

Part 9: All the evidence-based advice we found on how to be more successful in any job

The trouble with self-help advice is that it’s often based on barely any evidence.
Saved on: 2017-04-26

Highbrow | Learn Something New Every Day. Join for Free!

Our lives are built around conversations. Our friendships, our acquaintances—all our relationships, including how we… There are many daily journal methods out there. Most people find that they don’t stick….
Saved on: 2015-02-28