Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #later.
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One year later / fuzzy notepad

I think I spent the first few months in a bit of a daze. I have a bad habit of expecting worst case scenarios, so I was in a constant state of mild panic over whether I could really earn enough to support myself. Not particularly conducive to doing things.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-11-14

Corpi indigeni, corpi estranei: Elysia Crampton e l'eredità Aymara - Noisey

“Mi piace quando parli spagnolo… ha un fortissimo accento italiano, lo rende speciale.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-10-27

Understanding JavaScript Function Invocation and "this"

Over the years, I've seen a lot of confusion about JavaScript function invocation. In particular, a lot of people have complained that the semantics of this in function invocations is confusing.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-10-26

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind |

I'm going to explain the Donald Trump phenomenon in three movies. And then some text. There's this universal shorthand that epic adventure movies use to tell the good guys from the bad. The good guys are simple folk from the countryside ...
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-10-13

We live in a one-track world, but anyone can become a polymath | Aeon Essay

I travelled with Bedouin in the Western Desert of Egypt. When we got a puncture, they used tape and an old inner tube to suck air from three tyres to inflate a fourth. It was the cook who suggested the idea; maybe he was used to making food designed for a few go further.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-10-05

The Making of Lemmings – Read-Only Memory

If a young electronics engineer named David Jones hadn’t lost his job at the Timex plant in Dundee in 1988, videogame history would have been different.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-09-19

The Secret Startup That Saved the Worst Website in America - The Atlantic

Loren Yu was on a weekend trip in Los Angeles when he received an urgent email from a friend. The friend, Kalvin Wang, had a proposition. At the time, Yu was working for an education startup in New York called SkillShare. SkillShare had two technical employees. Yu was one of them.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2016-07-05

The ultimate guide to pinball — Hopes&Fears — flow "Pop Stuff"

These days the entertainment landscape has shifted to all-digital all-the-time, and it can leave a person thirsty for a real world waste of time. Pinball is one great solution to getting yourself out into meatspace and it’s seen a resurgence of popularity in the last few years.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2015-05-06

The Art of Staying Focused in a Distracting World - The Atlantic

A longtime tech executive, Linda Stone worked on emerging technologies at Apple and then Microsoft Research in the 1980s and ’90s.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2015-04-23

The Man Who Broke the Music Business - The New Yorker

One Saturday in 1994, Bennie Lydell Glover, a temporary employee at the PolyGram compact-disk manufacturing plant in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, went to a party at the house of a co-worker. He was angling for a permanent position, and the party was a chance to network with his managers.
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2015-04-22

Cellucci: "Il vero è solo un fantasma, la scienza cerca il plausibile" - Re

Intervista al filosofo italiano, professore emerito dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza", che ha recentemente pubblicato "Breve storia della logica. Dall'umanesimo al primo Novecento" (Lulu) con Mirella Capozzi
Tags: #later
Saved on: 2015-04-13