Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #iot.
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Build a Raspberry Pi powered live train station sign for your desk

Build your own UK train station platform departure display (next train indicator) with live data using a Raspberry Pi Zero and balena.
Tags: #iot
Saved on: 2019-08-01

Connect your devices to AWS IoT using LoRaWAN | The Internet of Things on A

Since the time of this blog post, we have announced AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN is a fully-managed feature that allows you to connect and manage wireless devices that use LoRaWAN connectivity with the AWS Cloud.
Tags: #iot
Saved on: 2018-12-20

Tindie Blog | ESP8266 ePaper WiFi Display Kit Runs for Months on a Charge

In my humble opinion—as I’ve mentioned elsewhere—ePaper is really an amazing display technology that has never really burst onto the mainstream.
Tags: #iot #hacking
Saved on: 2017-12-27

Getting Started with Node.js and MQTT | RisingStack

The world of JavaScript continues to drive into new areas. Technologies like Node.js have allowed for rapid expansion on the server side, and now into the world of the Internet of Things. Node.js can now be ran on a variety of embedded devices, like the Intel Edison.
Tags: #nodejs #iot
Saved on: 2016-01-13