Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev
Bookmarks tagged with #css-grid.
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An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid

CSS Grid is one of the most amazing parts of the CSS language. It gives us a ton of new tools we can use to create sophisticated and fluid layouts. It's also surprisingly complex. It took me quite a while to truly become comfortable with CSS Grid!
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2023-11-21

Mastering CSS Grid | Colt Steele

Creating CSS layouts that behave as expected no matter the viewport size used to be a frustrating, time-consuming experience.
Saved on: 2023-06-27

CSS Grid full-bleed layout tutorial · Josh W Comeau

Back in the day, there was a gold-standard website layout that everyone strived to create, but that was notoriously difficult to get right: the .
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2020-10-06

Editorial Design Patterns With CSS Grid And Named Columns

10 min read CSS, CSS Grid, Patterns Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Try monday dev for free! Building Modern HTML Emails, with Rémi Parmentier Deep Dive On Accessibility Testing, with Manuel Matuzović Advertise on Smashing Magazine Start with $100 Credits! Accessible Typography for Web & UI Design Mast
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2019-10-06

Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout

If you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS.
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2019-06-17

Grid by Example - Usage examples of CSS Grid Layout

The following examples include an image of how the example should look in a supporting browser, they each link to a page with more information about the technique being shown, code and a CodePen of the example.
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2019-05-23

LayoutIt! Interface Builder for Bootstrap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam eget sapien sapien. Curabitur in metus urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus eu sem sapien, sed vestibulum velit. Nam purus nibh, lacinia non faucibus et, pharetra in dolor. Sed iaculis posuere diam ut cursus.
Saved on: 2018-07-26

Editorial Design and CSS Grid: Inspiration and examples • Silo Creativo

We, web designers, are in luck. We had never lived a time like today, where we can choose between three different CSS syntax groups to design the layout of a web project. I am referring to floats, Flexbox and CSS Grid (or Grid Layout).
Saved on: 2018-04-19

How We Adopted CSS Grid at Scale | Julian Gaviria — Web Designer

Last month we launched the redesign of — the backbone of the American manufacturing industry (and the company that happens to employ me full-time). A redesign in which we decided to go all-in with CSS Grid.
Tags: #css-grid
Saved on: 2018-03-22

Learn CSS Grid for free

The CSS Grid module makes it easier than ever to create website layouts. It simplifies both your HTML and CSS, while simultaneously giving you more control over your layout. You can use it without any framework, as the CSS Grid module is native to the browser.
Saved on: 2017-12-22

Common Responsive Layouts with CSS Grid (and some without!)

CSS grid is now supported in Samsung internet v6.2 and many other modern browsers and has been the answer to many a prayer of web developers everywhere.
Tags: #css-grid
Saved on: 2017-11-24

Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends

It took more than six years to have CSS Grids implemented across all browsers. Throughout its history, the spec has always been surrounded by controversy. In 2011, it was met with skepticism as the Microsoft Developer Team announced prefixed support for IE10.
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2017-11-07

From Bootstrap to CSS Grid – Times Open

Despite many clever hacks and creative workarounds, there hasn’t been a simple answer for creating layout on the web. From misusing tables, to over-engineering simple floats that push around content, developers have consistently struggled to translate designs to code.
Saved on: 2017-10-26

CSS Grid Challenge: Winners and Templates – Smashing Magazine

11 min read CSS, CSS Grid Share on Twitter, LinkedIn Try monday dev for free! Smart Interface Design Patterns, 10h video + UX training The Power of Storytelling, with Chiara Aliotta Start with $100 Credits! SmashingConf UX & Design, Antwerp 2024 Click here to kickstart your project for free in a mat
Saved on: 2017-10-12

Grid Garden

Reset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Grid Garden is created by Codepip • YouTube • Twitter • GitHub • English English Español Français Deutsch Nederlands Italiano Português(BR) Português(PT) Català Svenska Norsk Suomi Polski Slovenčina Magyar Română Shqip Български Eesti L
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2017-04-05

Case Study: My First Practical CSS Grid Layout - Cloud Four

Like a lot of my peers, I’ve been watching the astonishingly rapid adoption of CSS Grid Layout with great anticipation thanks to the amazing work of people like Rachel Andrew, Jen Simmons and Chris House to demonstrate, document and evangelize this game-changing set of new design tools.
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2017-03-27

The Complete Guide to CSS Grid | Codrops CSS Reference

CSS Grid is a two-dimensional layout system created specifically to tackle grid-based user interfaces on the web. Grids are fundamental to the design of layouts.
Tags: #css #css-grid
Saved on: 2017-03-02