Simone Magnaschi
Senior Full Stack Web Dev

π in Other Universes

Everyone loves $\pi$. It’s usually the first irrational number someone encounters. $\pi$ is conceptually simple enough that it can be explained with basic geometry.
Saved on: 2023-10-30

Making Music with Google Sheets and Web MIDI API

Do you know that the modern web browser can access real musical instruments? With the help of Web MIDI API, we can create a web application that can access MIDI devices connected to our computer.
Saved on: 2023-10-29

The Negative Impact of Mobile-First Web Design on Desktop

Many modern websites are designed with a mobile-first approach. When these pages render on desktop devices, the content can appear overly large and stretched out.
Saved on: 2023-10-27

(11) A Philosophy of Software Design | John Ousterhout | Talks at Google -

John Ousterhout, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, discusses complex techniques on how to become a more confident coder. John is excited to announce that he just published the first edition of a new book on software design, based on material from a software design class he has b
Saved on: 2023-10-25

The Grug Brained Developer

Introduction this collection of thoughts on software development gathered by grug brain developer grug brain developer not so smart, but grug brain developer program many long year and learn some things although mostly still confused grug brain developer try collect learns into small, easily digesti
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-10-25

Calculus Made Easy

Table of Contents Buy paper version On* Second hand from* What next? * Affiliate link About this edition & thanks This text is based on the PDF version from Project Gutenberg converted to html by hand. Thanks to Paula Appling, Don Bindner, Chris Curnow, Andrew D.
Tags: #mathematics
Saved on: 2023-10-25

Before Computers Were Logic Diagrams and Machines

I often think about ancient civilizations. I’m sure you do too. I cogitate and ruminate on all the people who lived, loved, and died, and I’m saddened by the fact that we no longer remember their names.
Saved on: 2023-10-25

There are two sides to an interview

I talk to a lot of software engineers who are gearing up for a job hunt. Sometimes they left willingly, sometimes unwillingly, and sometimes they just anticipate leaving soon.
Saved on: 2023-10-25

(9) Using CSS custom properties like this is a waste - YouTube

If you're interested in checking out ICodeThis, you can find it here: and if you want to sign up for one of their premium plans, use KEVIN at checkout for an extra 10% off. Custom properties are amazing, but a lot of people don’t take advantage of how awesome they
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2023-10-23

Origins of the 3.5in Floppy Disk - YouTube

I got sucked into researching the origins of the 3.5in floppy disk after looking into one of my recent HP drives. That sent me on a long quest to better understand the format and finding out some very interesting things I didn't even know existed! Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:43 Precursor History 2:05 3.
Saved on: 2023-10-23

2023-10-22 cooler screens

Audible even over the squeal of an HVAC blower with a suffering belt, the whine of small, high velocity fans pervades the grocery side of this Walgreens. Were they always this loud? I'm not sure; some of the fans sound distinctly unhealthy.
Saved on: 2023-10-23

Base64 Encoding, Explained

When you're programming, it's easy to get by with a superficial understanding of many things. You can easily fool yourself by thinking that you are programming when you are blindly copy + pasting code from Stack Overflow or some random article you stumbled upon.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-10-23

Build your own BitTorrent | CodeCrafters

Learn about .
Saved on: 2023-10-19

Write more "useless" software

After my last blog post about Hurl, someone asked me, and I quote: "... why?" The simple answer is "for the joke." But the longer answer is that useless software1 is a fantastic way to explore and experience the joy of computing. Play is an important part of exploration and joy.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-10-19

How Disney Packed Big Emotion Into a Little Robot

On Wednesday, at the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), in Detroit, a Disney Research team presented a brand new robotic character during their evening keynote address.
Saved on: 2023-10-11

What is in that .git directory?

Well, I think most of you reading this blog use git more or less on a daily basis, but have you ever looked into what is in the .git folder that git creates? Let's explore it together and understand what is going on in there. This is a blog version of a talk that I recently gave.
Saved on: 2023-10-07

Introducing “Database Performance at Scale”: A Free, Open Source Book

So many things have to align perfectly for impressive database performance. You need to think hard about factors like: And that’s just scratching the surface.
Tags: #database
Saved on: 2023-10-06

Color for the Color-challenged

Rather than placing web folks into the bucket Developer or Designer, I think many people would find themselves somewhere in the gray zone in between, not at the extreme ends. I most certainly feel that way about myself.
Saved on: 2023-10-05


A Beautiful Free Bootstrap theme with fully responsive, powerful CSS utilities, expertly crafted components with Atlassian Design. This repository is distributed with npm. npm install --save fastbootstrap After installion, you can building SCSS and JS using this snippet.
Saved on: 2023-10-04

Career Advice

To my great surprise, young people now somewhat frequently contact me in order to solicit career advice. They are usually in college or highschool, and want to know what the best next steps are for a career in security or software development.
Saved on: 2023-10-04

How to Produce a Rich Domain Model with Active Record

You can't. It's not possible. Active Record provides complete access to a database row's fields through an object's public properties (or "attributes" of an "Active Record model", as they're called in both Ruby on Rails' and Laravel's ORMs).
Saved on: 2023-10-04

Choose Boring Technology

This is the spoken word version of my essay, Choose Boring Technology. I have largely come to terms with it and the reality that I will never escape its popularity. Here are my other talks, my website, and some Medium posts.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-10-02

Goodbye integers. Hello UUIDs!

At Buildkite, we've historically stored our data with two keys. We use sequential primary keys for efficient indexing, and UUID secondary keys for external use.
Saved on: 2023-10-02

Introducing Enhance Music

Today, the Enhance team is excited to introduce our latest demo app: Enhance Music — a music library and audio player app built with HTML and CSS, and progressively enhanced with a couple pinches of JavaScript.
Saved on: 2023-09-30

Charlie Munger: The Psychology of Human Misjudgement

'The Psychology of Human Misjudgment', a speech given by Charlie Munger in 1995, animated by Tiny and Thinko.
Tags: #videos
Saved on: 2023-09-28

Joins 13 Ways

Relational (inner) joins are really common in the world of databases, and one weird thing about them is that it seems like everyone has a different idea of what they are.
Saved on: 2023-09-26

A literary history of fake texts in Apple's marketing materials

Like a lot of troubled young men, I used to pay close attention to Apple’s developer conferences and special announcements, eagerly anticipating each new generation of iPhone and operating system.
Saved on: 2023-09-25

Responsive type scales with composable CSS utilities

If you’ve ever attempted to create responsive type that seamlessly adapts and scales between pre-determined sizes within a type scale based on viewport or container widths, you may have wrestled with JavaScript or wrangled with CSS calculators.
Tags: #css
Saved on: 2023-09-24

How to do a full rewrite

You must rewrite this system. Rewriting is when you take a working system that is really hard to change, and instead of figuring out how to safely change it (or if it needs change), you rewrite all of its code, starting at the beginning again.
Saved on: 2023-09-24

Spoofing Emails from +2M Domains and Virtually Becoming Satan [pdf]

Slide 54 says that DKIM + DMARC does not help against this attack, but that is not completely true. If (and only if) you have set up DKIM for all your delegated senders, then (and only then) can you safely enable a DMARC p=reject policy.
Saved on: 2023-09-24

PodRocket - A web development podcast from LogRocket - HTMX with Carson Gro

HTMX has become increasingly popular in the web dev community, so we sat down with creator Carson Gross to talk about what HTMX is, why developers should use it, and what’s on the horizon for the tool. We want to hear from you! We want to know what you love and hate about the podcast.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-09-22

SQL Join Flavors

There is more to SQL joins than you might think. Let's explore them a bit. We'll use two simple tables: companies and jobs they offer.
Tags: #database #sql
Saved on: 2023-09-22 by Aaron Francis

The full course is launching soon, sign up today for a launch discount! No spam or any funny business. We’ll cover everything from planning your content, to cameras, to recording and editing. Start your screencast journey today!
Saved on: 2023-09-21

Inside New Query Engine of MongoDB

Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. MongoDB has recently released a new query engine coming in version 7.0. I was one of the people working on this engine during my 2 years in MongoDB and I would like to share some technical details about it.
Saved on: 2023-09-21

Free for Developers

Saved on: 2023-09-18

Akiyoshi's illusion pages

Akiyoshi KITAOKA, Professor, Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan studying visual perception, visual illusion, optical illusion, trompe l'oeil, 3D, etc. ORCID This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21H04426 awarded to Akiyoshi Kitaoka.
Saved on: 2023-09-15

Stable Audio: Fast Timing-Conditioned Latent Audio Diffusion

The Stable Audio models are latent diffusion models consisting of a few different parts, similar to Stable Diffusion: A variational autoencoder (VAE), a text encoder, and a U-Net-based conditioned diffusion model.
Saved on: 2023-09-13

Credit card debt collection

One interesting lens for understanding how industries work is looking at their waste streams. Every industry will by nature have both a stock and a flow of byproducts from their core processes.
Saved on: 2023-09-13

What I Have Changed My Mind About in Software Development

Lately I have been thinking about what I have changed my mind about in software development. Here are the things I came up with: Self-documenting code. I used to think that the names of the classes, methods and variables should be enough to understand what the program does.
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-09-11

U.S. Web Design System (USWDS)

Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website.
Tags: #design #ux #web
Saved on: 2023-09-11

Procreate Dreams

Edit. Animate. Create. Procreate Dreams is an animation app packed with powerful tools that anyone can use. Create rich 2D animations, expressive videos, and breathtaking stories on iPad.
Tags: #art
Saved on: 2023-09-08

Design Patterns in PHP 8 Series' Articles - DEV Community

View Design Patterns in PHP 8 Series' Articles on DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Saved on: 2023-09-08

Commit Mono. Neutral programming typeface.

Click to focus page. Commit Mono is an anonymous and neutral coding font focused on creating a better reading experience.
Saved on: 2023-09-07

Bintracker · A Chiptune Audio Workstation for the 21st Century

Bintracker is a modern programmable Chiptune music editor. It is currently in development, with a beta release coming soon. The source code and Windows builds are already available for anyone adventurous enough to try out Bintracker in its current alpha stage.
Saved on: 2023-09-06

ZFS for Dummies

As mentioned on previous posts, I have spent the past few weeks dealing with a ZFS crash on my FreeNAS install.
Tags: #sysadmin
Saved on: 2023-09-05

Benefits of separating core code from infrastructure code

When it comes to software design and software architecture, there are many theoretical approaches with fancy acronyms (like SOLID, CUPID, DDD, hexagonal architecture, clean architecture, …).
Tags: #programming
Saved on: 2023-09-01


Non-binding, quick and convenient stopper knot. Used to tie rope around an object and back to itself.
Saved on: 2023-09-01

How to pass a coding interview with me | Robert Heaton

In the last 10 years I’ve given more than 400 coding interviews. That’s the equivalent of 2 working months just watching strangers having a crack at the same few programming challenges.
Saved on: 2023-08-31

Absurd Success

So… I’ve had the most unreal week of coding.
Saved on: 2023-08-31

Accessible Palette: stop using HSL for color systems

Recently, I set out on a mission to reconstruct a color system in Postmark. This project addressed several problems with our design system, involved a lot of research, and even required building a few custom tools.
Saved on: 2023-08-29

UX Pattern Analysis: Loading Feedback

On the Internet, loading is inevitable. There are so many factors at play that you may have the fastest software out there, there’s always a chance that your user will find themselves waiting in front of a screen.
Tags: #ux
Saved on: 2023-08-28

Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs

The most natural way to build is iteratively. n8n gives you the same short feedback loops that make coding fun. Maintain uptime of mission-critical automations with environments. Dev, Stage, Prod: everything you'd expect when shipping mission-critical code.
Saved on: 2023-08-27

How Games Typically Get Built - The Pragmatic Engineer

👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. In every issue, I cover topics related to Big Tech and startups through the lens of engineering managers and senior engineers.
Tags: #videogames
Saved on: 2023-08-23

The ideal viewport doesn’t exist

Before you settle on basing design decisions on a handful of strict breakpoints, make sure you consider the vast fragmentation of screen sizes and browser viewports. Here at Set Studio, we conducted a little casual experiment to answer “how fragmented are viewport sizes?”.
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2023-08-22

PHP Fibers: A practical example

PHP 8.1 introduced Fibers as a new feature of the language. I often see many people refer to fibers as threads, which is not accurate and I think gives some people the idea that PHP is somehow now multithreaded.
Tags: #php
Saved on: 2023-08-22

Spotify Looked to Ban White Noise Podcasts to Become More Profitable

Hey everyone, welcome back to Soundbite. I’ve been putting this newsletter together for almost exactly a year now, so thank you for subscribing and coming along on the journey.
Saved on: 2023-08-20

“It Conveyed Them”: When The Beatles Recorded “Twist and Shout”

As it turned out, on that day they didn’t finish the work in the morning and afternoon sessions.
Tags: #music
Saved on: 2023-08-20

Hypermedia Systems

For web developers frustrated with the complexity of modern practice, those looking to brush up on web fundamentals, web development shops looking to bring their apps to mobile, and any workaday programmer looking for an introduction to hypermedia and REST.
Saved on: 2023-08-18

(4) PHP doesn't suck (anymore) - YouTube

PHP in 2023 is very different than PHP in 2012. Let's run through some of the changes! Looking for PHP jobs or looking to hire PHP devs? Check out Larajobs: 00:00 Intro 01:16 Traits 01:34 Short array syntax 01:47 Array destructuring 02:05 Variadic functions 02:12
Tags: #php #video
Saved on: 2023-08-17

htmx ~ Locality of Behaviour (LoB)

Carson Gross “The primary feature for easy maintenance is locality: Locality is that characteristic of source code that enables a programmer to understand that source by looking at only a small portion of it.
Saved on: 2023-08-16

The Hip Hop Historians Who Are Racing to Preserve Its Story

Brandon “Jinx” Jenkins rode his bike to Kmart after school. It was 2000 and he was 13 years old, but he wanted Ludacris’ debut album, Back for the First Time. When he got there, he had to convince the clerk to sell him the explicit version of the CD.
Tags: #music
Saved on: 2023-08-15

The Source of Readability

Readability is often treated as a subjective thing. When someone says code is more readable, what they really mean is they can more easily read it. The straw-man goes, this is all taste and convention, just follow the team’s rules and use the auto-formatter.
Saved on: 2023-08-14

Auditory illusions with examples from Daft Punk

Listening to Daft Punk every now and then is a never aging event for me. Their albums have a variety of musical diversity, and you can always enjoy their fairly repetitive songs on boring household activities.
Tags: #music
Saved on: 2023-08-13

A Blog Post With Every HTML Element

After learning a little bit more about web accessibility last year I had been exploring some of the less common HTML elements, and making changes to this website, like wrapping the text of the posts on this blog in <article> tags and adding a <main> tag in the website’s layout templates (this webs
Tags: #webdev
Saved on: 2023-08-13

Infrastructure management for several high-traffic PHP applications — Moham

I came across Kubernetes a few times while looking for a simple way to manage infrastructure and deployments for over 50 PHP applications. And every time, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't the right tool for the job.
Saved on: 2023-08-12

Graceful behavior at capacity

Suppose we’ve got a service. We’ll gloss over the details for now, but let’s stipulate that it accepts requests from the outside world, and takes some action in response. Maybe those requests are HTTP requests, or RPCs, or just incoming packets to be routed at the network layer.
Saved on: 2023-08-10

Route Binding in Laravel - Ahmed Ash

In your Laravel projects, how do you go about setting up routes for a particular resource? Do you do it in the following manner? Then, do you implement it like this in your ArticlesController?
Tags: #laravel #php
Saved on: 2023-08-08

The SEO scam: 62,000 dollars later

Like many businesses operating online, we at Tinloof decided to explore SEO to attract more leads.
Tags: #seo
Saved on: 2023-08-08

8 Code Quality Tools To Use In Your Long-Term PHP Applications | Davor Minc

Long-term projects are hard to maintain and deal with but these code quality tools can help you out if you use them consistently.
Saved on: 2023-08-07

I'm betting on HTML

With the advent of large language model-based artificial intelligence, semantic HTML is more important now than ever. At its core, the internet is used to transmit data that helps humans interact with the world as they perceive it.
Saved on: 2023-08-02

Scroll-Based Layout Animations | Codrops

Today, I want to share a compilation of on-scroll layout animations with you. You’ve probably come across these animations on many websites. The main idea is to switch the layout view while scrolling and keep the section pinned.
Saved on: 2023-08-01

WPDS - Web Performance and SEO Best Practices and Guidelines | Resources

Proven strategies and guidelines for optimizing web performance and search engine optimization (SEO)
Saved on: 2023-07-27

Emotions: A Code Book

What I write about my own personal journey is intended as just that—my personal journey. If you are having serious trouble, get help from a professional.
Saved on: 2023-07-26

Hypermedia Systems

Saved on: 2023-07-25

Rector In Legacy Projects

After collecting some experience with introducing Rector to legacy projects, I want to write down what I have learned along the way. The article describes how to utilize Rector to maximize type coverage of a legacy project.
Saved on: 2023-07-25

50 graphic novel da leggere almeno una volta nella vita

Tutti i prodotti sono selezionati in piena autonomia editoriale. Se acquisti uno di questi prodotti, potremmo ricevere una commissione.
Saved on: 2023-07-24


Pepicons Pop! Download, Customize, Edit and Personalize. Over 100k+ open source icons
Saved on: 2023-07-24

What we talk about when we talk about System Design

Early in my research career, I had a chance to work with some of the best system researchers1 in the world on a number of really interesting system designs.
Saved on: 2023-07-22

AWS Networking Concepts

Before March 2023 I couldn’t for the life of me understand what was going on in the AWS VPC dashboard. I mean, look at the length of the scrolling bar on the left-hand panel!
Saved on: 2023-07-22


No Brand Portal can be found at this location.
Saved on: 2023-07-19

How to be a Consultant, a Freelancer, or an Independent Contractor · Jacque

This is a series of pages that guide you through the creation and operation of a successful consulting business. I’ve written this after running a fairly successful consultancy business in the mid-90’s and reviving this business in 2008.
Saved on: 2023-07-18

Using XPath in 2023

For all the other hx- attributes, we use CSS attribute selectors. However, with hx-on, the attribute name is not fixed as it contains the event. CSS attribute selectors support wildcards on the value of attributes, but not the name:
Saved on: 2023-07-17

Two Kinds of Legacy Code Upgrade

I often speak with project owners or CTOs, who ask for help with legacy project upgrades. They typically want something like "upgrade to PHP 8.0" or "upgrade to Symfony 5.4". There are two ways to do that. Which one is the best for you? Let's ask the important question first.
Saved on: 2023-07-15


Upload a song to decompose it into bass, drums, vocals, other, and karaoke components by applying music source separation (aka music demixing), powered by a near-state-of-the-art AI model, Open-Unmix, with the UMX-L pretrained weights. This site is created and maintained by Sevag H.
Saved on: 2023-07-13

Figma is a file editor

The design tool Figma is a good example of a file editor that runs in the browser. When you open a Figma design, your browser downloads (over WebSocket) a “Fig file” corresponding to that design. The file contains binary data serialized with kiwi.
Saved on: 2023-07-13 | The easiest way to create a workout routine

A small web application to create workouts based on your available equipment and the muscles you want to train.
Saved on: 2023-07-10

How to build a website without frameworks and tons of libraries | Koding Ki

An innocent question was posted on IndieHackers the other day: "I'm asking what did you use to build your website". The question also had a second part.
Saved on: 2023-07-04

The Lone Banana Problem. Or, the new programming: “speaking” AI - TL;DR - D

The subtle biases of LLM training are difficult to detect but can manifest themselves in unexpected places. I call this the ‘Lone Banana Problem’ of AI. Think of all the people whose diseases have become manageable or which have been cured.
Tags: #ai
Saved on: 2023-07-04


Layout patterns built using modern CSS APIs that help you build common interfaces such as cards, dynamic grid areas, and full-page layouts.
Saved on: 2023-06-29

Vaporwave and Unicode Analysis

This article will explore the unique role that text plays in vaporwave music and art.
Saved on: 2023-06-29

Future CSS: State Container Queries

Wait, what? Yes, you heard that right. The Chromium team is experimenting with a new type of query, which is called State Query. Last year, size container queries got supported in all major browsers. They let us query a container based on its width.
Saved on: 2023-06-29

22 libri consigliati dalla redazione del Post - Il Post

È sempre comodo avere una lista di libri a cui attingere per orientarsi su cosa potrebbe farci una buona compagnia nei mesi a venire, soprattutto quando si parte per qualche giorno e bisogna restringere la scelta a pochi titoli: per questo motivo, e per il piacere della condivisione di cose potenzi
Saved on: 2023-06-28

Advanced macOS Command-Line Tools

taskpolicy -b <command> starts executing the given command in the background. On Apple silicon Macs, the process will only run on the efficiency cores. taskpolicy -B -p <pid> removes the specified process from running in the background.
Saved on: 2023-06-28

16 little UI design rules that make a big impact - Adham Dannaway

User interface design is hard. With so many options to choose from regarding layout, spacing, typography, and colour, making design decisions can be overwhelming. When you add usability, accessibility, and psychology to the mix, it gets even harder. Luckily, UI design doesn’t have to be so hard.
Saved on: 2023-06-27

Mastering CSS Grid | Colt Steele

Creating CSS layouts that behave as expected no matter the viewport size used to be a frustrating, time-consuming experience.
Saved on: 2023-06-27

The Ultimate Cafe Restaurant Background Noise Generator

However, there's a catch to real world chatter: when the human brain perceives a sound it considers to be speech, it will focus on it and turn it into meaningful language. This usually happens in spaces where the ambient noise level is low, like in modern "open space" offices.
Saved on: 2023-06-27